47 Powerful Follow-Up Email Templates That Get Replies

47 Powerful Follow-Up Email Templates That Get Replies

Do you know 80% sales need 5 follow-ups? As a salesperson, you can’t escape following up on your prospects. No matter how much you hate doing it, it is a part of your job and is essential to close deals.

You may feel that no reply from the prospects means they don’t have an interest in your product or service. But it is a mistake to think that you’ll annoy them by following up. In fact, sending follow-up emails is an art you must master as a salesperson after you learn how to write a cold call email for sales.

We’ll first take a look at the meaning of follow-up emails and the top follow-up email templates that can fetch you more responses from prospects.

What Is A Follow-Up Email? 

So, what is a follow-up email after all?

 Follow Up Email Infographic

A follow-up email refers to an email or a sequence of emails sent after an initial email or reaching a particular stage in the buyer journey. You can also send a follow-up email if someone is in the middle of a trial to ask what they feel about the product or service. You can also follow up after a particular event. 

In B2B sales, you often have to send follow-up emails because your first email is insufficient to close a deal. 

47 Follow Up Email Templates To Close More Deals

Here’s a list of business email follow up templates that will give you an idea of how to write a follow up email,

Short follow-up email template

It is always good to write short and sweet follow-up emails as the other person mostly has other important work to do. Here’s a template to send short follow-ups when you don’t receive a reply from prospects. 

Template 1 

Hi {{first_name}},

I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to know what you have thought about my suggestions regarding switching over to {{product_name}}. Let me know if I can be of help to you.

Best Regards,


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This email is to the point and saves the time of prospects. It states the purpose of the email very clearly. It is a gentle way to get in touch with a prospect again. 

Tip: You can choose to add a CTA different from your initial email.  

Post-meeting follow-up email template

After an in-person or online meeting with a prospect (as it has been in this year of the pandemic), you will send a follow-up email if you don’t hear from them. Here is a template to reinitiate your connection with them. 

Template 2

Hi {{first_name}},

I am writing to follow up on our last meeting regarding implementing {{product/service_name}} in your organization. Thanks for allowing me to connect with you on {{meeting_day}}. 

As we discussed, I have checked with my manager and am glad to tell you that we will be happy to arrange {{special_request}} for you. 

Do let me know if we can proceed. 



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Tip:  Try reminding the prospect about how your product or service can help overcome the challenges they face. 

Template 3

Subject line: Are you prepared for a follow-up?

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I wish to thank you for your time and want to know how you would like to move the conversation ahead. In case you are still interested, kindly suggest what you want to do next.

Looking forward to your response,


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Template 4

In the template below, you can get an idea of how to follow up when you have the information that the client requested.

Subject line: Got the info you need 

Hi {{prospect_name}}

Thank you for the opportunity to get in touch with you on {{day}}.

I spoke to my company’s department, and they would be glad to be of assistance to you for {{request}}.

Kindly let me know who you would like to proceed further. 


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Here is another variation for you.

Template 5

Subject line: Find the info you are looking for

Hi {{prospect_name}}

It was nice chatting with you on {{day}} and understanding the needs of your company.

As you wanted to know about {{information}} in our last conversation, I have attached it here. 

Do let me know when you get a chance to look at it and want to speak to me to discuss

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Follow-up email after no response

There can be instances when the recipient may have checked your email but, for some reason, chose not to respond. There are also chances of losing the email in the inbox. You can mention that you had previously contacted them in your email and want to help them solve their issues. 

Template 6 

Hi {{first_name}},

I had sent you an email a while back about {{product/service_name}} and how it would be a perfect fit for your company. 

Our existing clients have witnessed a 20% increase in sales with the help of our solution. In addition, we are offering a 10% discount and complete training. 

If you want to know further details, please get in touch with me. I would be happy to discuss things in detail with you. I am looking forward to your response.


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Another follow up email after no response

Instead of simply sending an email to check in on them, try to share a valuable resource that they would find useful. Here is a sales follow up email template to get new clients,

Template 7 

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

You are dealing with {{problem}}, so I thought of sharing an easy tip that most customers use.


Tip 2

Tip 3}}

I have a few more ideas that I want to discuss with you. Do let me know if you are interested in knowing them.



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Here is another email template,

Template 8

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

I was quite surprised when I didn’t hear from you. I’m sure the previous email about {{product_name}} was quite insightful, and you want to know more about our solution and how it helps get rid of {{prospects’_problem}}. 

I want to share a blog post on {{topic}} as I felt that it would be quite useful to you. 



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Tip: Remind the prospect how your product or service fits perfectly into their needs. 

Follow-up email template for sales asking for a referral

When your emails are not getting a response, the reason could be that the recipient is not a decision-maker. After realizing that you are speaking to the wrong person, you can request them to direct you to the concerned person. 

Here are the email template for follow up you can use, 

Template 9

Hi {{prospect’s_name}}

I emailed you a few days back about {{your_company/product_name}}, and it was only later that I realized I might be knocking on the wrong door. 

My firm provides solutions for {{explain_offer}} which can be useful for your company. Are you the concerned person in this regard? If not, could you please help me reach the right person? I am looking forward to your reply.



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The one below is a straightforward way of reaching out to a prospect and finding the decision-maker.

Template 10

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

I am writing again as I didn’t hear back from you. Can we connect when you are free someday? If not, can you please lead me to the concerned person?

I will be very thankful to you for your help.



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Tip: Remind the recipient why you are reaching out so that they can guide you to the right person.

After trigger follow up

There are situations when the prospect engages with your email but chooses not to respond. Engaging with the email refers to clicking on a link, downloading resources, and even watching a video embedded in it. There is a chance of closing the deal with them if you follow up properly. 

You have to fan their interest in your product or service and turn them into paying customers. Follow up with them to grab their attention. Ask them what they are looking for or share how your solution has helped other clients to look credible. 

Template 11

Hi {{prospect’s_name}}

I feel that you had a look at my previous email and our company’s website, so I thought I must get in touch with you again. 

Do you want to know how {{product_name}} can help {{prospect’s_company}} to {{benefit}}? I will be glad to get on a quick call to discuss this further when you are free. Would you mind letting me know which time suits you?

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Template 12

Hi {{prospect’s_name}}

I realized that you read my previous email and wanted to look at our product online, so I thought of reaching out to you again. 

Have you thought a bit about switching over to {{product _name}}? In case there are any doubts, I will be glad to clear them. Would it be possible for you to connect on a quick call any time this week? 



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Template 13

Subject line: Do you require more information?

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I came to know that you read my last email and had a look at our website, so I felt that I should reach out to you once more. 

Did you think about my proposal once more? I would be happy if you wish to connect with me on the phone and discuss the proposal. 

Please tell me when I can schedule a call.


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Template 14

Subject line: May I help you with <pain point>?

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I know that you read my previous email and visited our website to glance at <product or service>. I, therefore, felt like connecting with you again. 

Our {{product_name}} can help in improving {{objective}} and addresses {{pain_point}} 

Please let me know if you have time to speak over the phone to look at how {{client}} benefitted from our tool. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.


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Tip: If the prospect doesn’t respond, it can be due to lack of time. If you find that a prospect has visited your website or carried out some other activity, you should email them to engage with them. It would help push the prospect further down the sales funnel. 

After-event follow up email template

Events in the business world are most often for networking. When you make some connections, you would want to send them a follow-up email to build the relationship further and probably introduce your product. It is better to send follow up email to clients right after the event when you are fresh in their memory. 

Template 15

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

It was wonderful meeting you at {{event_name}}, and our discussion was quite in-depth. I thought that it would be better to take it forward as {{reason}} Are you having the time to meet for a cup of coffee next week? Here is a link to my calendar. You can pick a date and time that is convenient for you {{calendar_link}}.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. 



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Template 16

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

It was a pleasure to connect with you at {{event_name}}.

I gave a thought to what you were saying about {{pain_point}} and felt that you should go through this case study to understand how {{product/service}} has helped a {{competitor_ company}} get a 10% increase in sales. 

Let me know if it is useful. 



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Template 17

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

I hope you remember that we met at {{event_name}}.

It was nice discussing how you can improve your organization’s workflow by making simple tweaks. I have many more ideas that will fetch you great results if implemented right. 

Will it be possible for you to meet over coffee to discuss those ideas in detail?



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Template 18

Subject line: Here is the info about {{company_name}} that you needed

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I hope you enjoyed attending the conference and I want to thank you for showing interest in our company.

I am sure that you want to improve your company’s {{objective}} and that is why I wanted to get in touch with you.

Please find the information you need attached below. If you require any other

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Tip: It would be a good idea to refresh the prospect’s memory after you meet them at an event. It would help them get along with you actively and probably schedule a meeting with you. 

Follow-up email after leaving voicemail 

If you try reaching out to a prospect over the phone but can’t talk to them, you would leave a voicemail. However, why would someone respond to the voicemail of a total stranger? That is why you have to send a follow-up email as well. As it aims at reminding the prospect about the voicemail, you have to keep your email short.

Take a look at the template you can use below,

Template 19

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I tried calling you, but I think you are occupied, so I left you a voicemail. I came across your {{prospect’s_action}} and wanted to share some tips about how you improve {{tips}}

Please call me back on this number when you are free – {{phone_number}} or let me know the right time for me to give you a ring.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. 



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Template 20

Subject line: I was trying to call you

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I was trying to connect to you over the phone but couldn’t reach you. I know that you are busy and would not bother you. 

Please call me back on {{phone_number}} or let me know when I can give you a ring.

 I am looking forward to your reply.


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Tip: Mention the reason for reaching out in the email so that the recipient understands the context. 

Follow-up email after demo

Once you reach the stage of giving a demo of your solution, it means that the prospect has an interest in you. As the chances of closing the deal are higher, what is the need for a follow-up? Well, even if everything looks like it is going smoothly, there are chances that the prospect may forget about the interaction and may not be too keen to make the purchase. So, you must send a gentle follow-up email and mention the important points in the demo. If the prospect has any concerns, you can try to address them. 

Here are a few templates,

Template 21

Hi {{prospect’s name}},

It was nice talking to you today. 

To proceed further, you can start the trial to understand {{your_product}} better. Our team can add the custom features you requested to prevent affecting your workflow. 

Please let me know when we can go ahead.



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Template 22

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

It was a pleasure talking to you today and knowing how your company functions. 

I have collected the information you requested, and I am sure you will find it useful. Please find it attached. 

If you have any queries, feel free to contact me. I will be happy to answer your questions. 



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Here’s a template to revisit the benefits of the product or service you had mentioned in your demo. 

Template 23

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

Thank you so much for attending the demo. It was nice talking to you.

I want to give a short recap of the benefits of the {{product_name}} that we are customizing for {{prospect’s_company}}


If you require more information and have any concerns, please reach me. I will be glad to be of help to you. 



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Tip: Try to remind the prospect how your product or service can change how they carry out tasks and simplify their lives.

Following up to find the right prospect

After finding a lead online and getting in touch with them, you may feel that they may not be the right person. To find out if you are on the right track, you can send the following email. 

Template 24

Subject line: Hope that you direct me right

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I had sent you an email a few days back about {{product}}, and I feel that I may be on the wrong track. My company has {{product}} to offer that would help fit into your firm’s requirements. 

Are you the right person to discuss the features of {{product? If not, can you please guide me to the decision-maker?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


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Here’s another variation of the above email

Template 25

Subject: Can you help me out?

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I reached out to you a few days back about {{product}}, and I felt that I should check whether you are the right person to discuss this. If not, can you please help me reach the right person?



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Template 26

 Subject Line: The right individual to reach out to

Hi {{prospect_name}} ,

As I didn’t hear back from any of your team members, I want to know whether I am talking to the appropriate person or not. If yes, can we schedule a meeting this week? In case I am on the wrong track, can you please connect me to the right person?



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Following up when a prospect needs to consult others

Most often, the prospect you are speaking to may not be the decision-maker. He or she would have to consult their colleagues or superiors. Though you should give them the time to make the decision, a little nudge from your end would be great.

Ideally, you must wait for at least 4-5 days before you follow up with the prospect.

Template 27

Subject line: Here is more information about {{company_name}}

Hi {{prospect_name}},

Thank you so much for taking time out on {{day}}. I am pretty excited about how our relationship would take off. 

That day you said that you have to consult with {{person}} before proceeding further with the deal. Can I know what {{person}} said about my company’s proposal? 

Can we fix a face-to-face meeting to discuss how we can proceed?



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Following up with prospects who asked to reach out after sometime

There are times when prospects don’t prioritize purchasing a solution, and they may ask you to get back to them after a few days. You should mark the date in your calendar and make sure that you send them the email on time. 

While composing the email, you must ensure that you revisit what you discussed last with them and help them recollect what took place previously. You can also mention the newly-made changes and why it would be the right time to sign up. 

Template 28

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

I hope you are doing well. When we spoke last time about {{product/service}}, you thought our solution was not the right fit for your requirements. We are glad to let you know that we have a new feature that you would find useful. {{explain_feature}}

Our solution will now be of better use to you. It would help you {{achieve_specific_goal}}. 

Please let us know, and we will set up a trial account for you.



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Here’s a template to refresh the memory of the prospect. 

Template 29

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

The last time when we discussed the benefits of implementing {{product/service_name}}, you suggested that we should wait for the right time and asked me to connect after a month. 

Can we please pick up from where we left our conversation?

Looking forward to hearing from you. 



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You can even reach out early and use the following template,

Template 30

Hi {{name_prospect}},

I know that you asked me to get back to you after 2 months. But I am reaching out sooner as there are a lot of new ideas to discuss with you on how to boost sales in a short period. 

Can I discuss the ideas with you on a 10-minute call? Please let me know when you are available.



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Tip: Help the prospect gently recall what they had discussed with you in your previous emails. It would help take the conversation ahead.

Follow-up email after sending a quote

When you reach the stage of sending a quote, things seem to start moving in the right direction. It may take many days for the prospect’s company to approve the proposal. But if you send a follow-up email after a few days, it indicates that you are taking responsibility and are willing to answer the prospect’s queries. 

Here’s a template you can use,

Template 31

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I had sent you a quote for {{product/service_name}} on {{date}}, and I wanted to follow up to remind you what all our solution has to offer,




In case there are any concerns, please feel free to contact me.



Tip: There can be an internal issue that is holding the prospect from responding. Try to ask them how you can be of help to them.



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Follow-up email template when a prospect goes silent after showing interest

There are situations when the prospect shows interest in your product or service, but all of a sudden goes silent. They may not want to purchase the product or service anymore, or they would have found another solution for their problem. It is wise enough to send follow-up emails to such prospects as they showed interest in you, and they may want to go ahead with purchasing your product. 

First of all, try finding out why the prospect went silent. Send free resources that are relevant to them or use Customer testimonials to convince them about the effectiveness of your product or service.

Template 32

Hi {{prospect_name}},

We had last discussed {{mention_what_you_discussed}}, and I have not been able to reach you since then.

This means that you are either not interested or don’t have the time to respond. If you want to continue our discussion from where we left, please let me know. 

Thanks & Regards,


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Tip:  As mentioned above, try to find out what is holding the prospect back and how you can help

Following up to provide more information after an initial call

When you speak to the prospect on the phone, you will want to share a few extra resources, and you can send a follow-up email for that. 

Here’s a template you can use,

Template 33

Hi {{prospect_name}},,

It was great connecting with you. I am sharing some resources with you,

Feel free to share them with your team members. 



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Tip: Add relevant resources that are useful to the prospect.

Following up using the excuse of a new blog 

If you’re into content marketing, i.e. writing blogs, you can send follow-up emails that can be created with the help of professional email marketing software to leads on the pretext of discussing your latest write-up..

Template 34


Subject line: How {{product}} boosts profit?

Hi {{prospect_name}} ,

In our last meeting, you talked about {{blog_subject}}, and I understood that you have a deep interest in it. 

Our company’s publishing team came up with a new blog on {{blog_subject}} {{link}}. I immediately thought of you. Please have a look at it and share your thoughts about it. We can discuss things further.

 Can I call you sometime soon? Do let me know.



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Following up after a follow-up email

Following up after receiving no reply to the previous follow-up email requires preparation. You have to chalk it out well before making your move. The best thing to do is provide exciting information to the recipient to pique their interest in your product or service. 

Template 35

Subject Line: Some things you might want to know about {{company_name}}

Hi {{prospect_name}} ,

I emailed you a few days back regarding {{company_name}} and how {{product}} can fit into your firm’s needs. 

You might not be aware that our clients can report a 50% increase in revenue with {{product}}? There is complete training with a 20% discount. 

In case you want to hear more about {{product}}, kindly let me know. I would be happy to help. 

Looking forward to your reply.


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Template 36


Subject line: Hoping to connect with you

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I am sorry about not being able to connect with you recently. In our last conversation, you were pretty interested in {{Product}}

I understand that you’re very busy, so I’d be happy to schedule a call when it is convenient for you. 

Thank you.

{{Your name}}

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You can lure the prospect to reply to you by providing a helpful resource. Here’s the template below:

Template 37

Subject line: Here’s a gift for you

Hi {{prospect_name}} ,

I understand that you’re busy managing your team. I had emailed you with the information of {{product}} a few days back, and I feel that this is the right time to get in touch with you for a demo.

You can find a few guest logins to access {{product}} and see how well it works in addressing your {{pain_point}}. Do share them with your colleagues, too, and let me know about your experience with {{product or service}}

 Please let me know if you can meet anytime this week.


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Template 38

Subject line: A few ideas for you

Hi {{prospect_name}} ,

Your firm can be dealing with {{pain_point}}, so I thought that I should share a few tips to help you out. 


I have some more ideas to improve the situation. Kindly let me know if you are interested to know about them.



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Breakup email

Though goodbyes are always tough, you have to threaten to end the bond if you don’t get replies to your follow-up emails. If the prospect has an interest, they may respond, and if not, it will be easy to get rid of deals that have no future. It will be free of extra baggage. Try to use humor in breakup emails as you never know; you might just hit the bull’s eye! It is trying to reach out to the prospect one last time.

Template 39

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I have tried to reach out to you multiple times in the last 3 months. Maybe you are not interested and that is alright with me. 

Maybe the timing is not right, and I will be happy to get back to you in a few weeks. If someone kidnapped you, please let me know to come to rescue you. 

I won’t follow up any further, but you can keep my details with you to get in touch with me if you need my services. 

Thanks & Regards,


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Here is another one that can be of help to you,

Template 40

Hi {{name_prospect}},

I am clearing out my sales pipeline, and I thought it is important to inform you that your file is on the delete list. 

In case you are not interested, can I please close your file? If you still have interest in {{product/service}}, please let me know what the next step should be. 

Thanks & Regards,


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Template 41

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I am sorry for bombarding your inbox, but I have been trying to reach out to you repeatedly with no success. I guess you are not the right person to talk about {{topic}}. Would you please direct me towards the concerned person?

And I won’t bother you after this email.

Thanks & Regards,


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Template 42

Subject line: Is this the end?

Hi {{prospect_name}} ,

I have tried to reach you many times in the last few months, but I have not been successful in my endeavor.

I feel that:

You are not interested. If so, there is no problem. It is fine

I am contacting you at the wrong time. In that case, I will be happy to reach out to you after a couple of weeks or months.

Someone abducted you!

I will not reach out to you again, but if you change your mind, please contact me on {{phone_number}}


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Template 43

Subject line: Can I close the file?

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I have to clear out the sales pipeline, and I feel that I should let you know that you are on my delete list. In case you are not interested, can I close your file? If you have even a slight interest still, how should we proceed further?



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Template 44

Subject line: {{prospect_name}} I would love to know your feedback

Hi {{prospect_name}} ,

This is my last attempt to get in touch with you. However, I would like to get feedback from you regarding {{product}}. As you have used the free trial, you can tell us what improvements we need to make. 

Can I please know the reason for not connecting with our company?



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Template 45

Subject line: Thanks from {{company_name}}

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I wanted to write to you one last time in connection with {{product}}.

If I don’t get a reply from you, I will assume that you don’t have any interest in what my company has to offer and I won’t bother you again. 

If you want my assistance at any point in time, please reply to this email, and I will be glad to assist you. 


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Tip: If there is no answer after repeated follow-up, the recipient may be an unqualified lead. You can try sending a breakup email as a last resort to get the prospect’s attention.

Follow up after a webinar or an event

Sending a follow-up email after a webinar or event helps connect and expand your network. Keeping the prospects in the loop can help you in the long run. Find the template for such emails below,

Template 46

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

Yesterday, you attended my webinar about ‘Best ways to drive more sales’. Did you find it useful? Were you able to learn something new? Please let me know your feedback. 

I also took a look at your company’s website, and I thought it would be nice to share some articles with you,

Here they are – {{Link_to_articles}}

It would be great if you connect with me on LinkedIn {{LinkedIn_profile_link}}

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks & Regards,


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Template 47

Hi {{prospect’s_name}},

It was good to see you at the {{event}} yesterday and talk about {{mention_what_you_discussed}} I found your thoughts on it very insightful. I told you about {{your product/service}} and how it can help resolve {{prospect’s_problem}}.

It would be great if we could take the discussion ahead. Will you be available for a 10-minute call this Wednesday? 

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks & Regards,


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Tip: Remind about the meeting/webinar and what your product and service can do for the prospect.

With SalesBlink, it is easy to create email follow-up sequences with prospects. By turning to automation, you need not manually follow up with leads anymore. You just need to schedule your sequence and focus on other sales activities that require your direct involvement.

Use SalesBlink to create follow-up sequences.

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Follow-Up Email Examples

Here are a few examples to help you understand follow-up emails better,

1. Following up with a prospect after a discovery call

The follow up email below is sent after a call with the prospects. As you can see, the rep has added value to it by sending more resources. It gives them a reason to revert.

Following up with a prospect after a discovery call

2. Follow up after a meeting

Here’s an email you can send to follow up after a meeting. It is simple and straightforward.

Follow up after a meeting
Source: liveagent.com

3. Simple check-in follow up email

Here’s a simple email check in on the prospect and try to get a response. It is straightforward and simple.

Simple check-in follow up email
Source: appsumo.com

4. Last follow up email

At times prospects don’t respond even after repeated follow up. That is when you can try one last time.

Last follow up email
Source: appsumo.com

FAQs About Follow Up Emails

Why Are Follow-Up Emails So Important?

You can keep sales streamlined with the help of follow-up emails. In addition, to get a positive reply from the prospect, you usually need a minimum of 5 follow-ups. However, some sales reps give up after they face rejection for the first time. Such an attitude will not fetch you the results you want. Regarding statistics, 48% of sales reps don’t follow up, and 44% stop after the first try. It indicates that only 8% are following up, but that is the percentage that is winning at sales. 

Cold Email Follow-Up Statistics

Follow-up emails are important as they do the following,

1. Help Increase Conversion

There are several reasons for the recipient not opening your email, the person may be busy, or they couldn’t find the email in the piles of emails in their cluttered inbox. That is why you have to send a follow-up email to increase the chances of the prospect connecting with you and turning into a paying customer.

2. Build Trust

When you send follow-up emails, you show that your business is more customer-centric. The prospects would think that you have genuine interest in doing business with them, which would help build trust.

3. Filter Out Leads

It is impossible to close the deal with those who are not into your product or service right from the beginning. They might be there for a free trial and not intend to pay. With follow-up emails, you can filter out the hot leads and keep the promising ones. After all, it is pointless to invest your time and effort in people who don’t have a future with you. That’s why time management for sales reps is essential.

When To Send A Follow-up Email?

There is no hard and fast rule of when to send a follow-up email, but you have to make certain considerations. Sending follow-up emails when your prospects are busy with office work is not a good idea as it won’t get a response. You have to see at what time of the day the open rates of emails are the highest and send follow-up emails accordingly. 

What Are The Types Of Follow-Up Emails?

Even follow-up emails have types, and they are the following,

1. Free trial follow-up

With free trial follow-up emails, the aim is to turn prospects into paying customers by providing them a chance to use the full version of their solution. This is quite common in the SaaS industry. In the email, you can ask for feedback and guide them about how the prospect can use the solution to get better outcomes. 

2. Lead magnet opt-in follow-up

People provide their email addresses in return for valuable resources. If you have a blog, you can ask visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, and as there is a double opt-in, subscribers have to confirm the subscription in their inbox. However, if there is a glitch and there’s a stall midway, you can always send a follow-up email to remind the lead to finish their sign-up. In the follow-up email, you can mention the benefits of signing up. 

3. Product sales follow-up

One goal that most businesses try to achieve is to turn a customer into a loyal one. For that, you have to put in efforts as a salesperson. Once the sale takes place, you should ask the customer about their experience and offer them more products at a special discount. 

How Do You Write A Follow-Up Email?

Here are the key steps that you have to consider to craft the best follow-up emails,

1. Define the purpose of sending the email

This is a logical step you must focus on before composing your follow-up email. You have to find out why you are following up in the first place. 

Here’s an example – You met a prospect at an event one week ago, and the lead is now cold, but you want to reconnect. You have an objective at hand, and you can try to achieve it by sending a follow-up email. You can send a follow-up to restart the relationship with the hope of closing the deal. 

2. Create an effective email subject line

The email subject line is the first thing that the prospect sees, and if you are successful in capturing the prospect’s attention, the open rates will be high. Here’s what all you have to consider while writing your subject line,

Keep the subject line short – You have to keep the subject line short because when they are too long, they don’t appear fully on the screens of mobile devices. Use fewer words to convey the message effectively. Keep it crisp and clear so that the prospect doesn’t lose interest.

Ensure that it has details – As already said, the subject line has to have all the information and be clear. It will help them determine whether they want to open the email or not. 

Keep it engaging – Be creative and capture the prospect’s attention right at the subject line. You can use different ways and make it engaging. After all, who wants to read a boring email?

3. Provide value 

Sending a follow-up email just for the sake of it would do no good to your sales numbers. If your email is just another generic and laid-back follow-up that adds no value to the prospect, they will ignore it. You have to put in the effort to make the email worth reading and responding to. If possible, offer something in return; it can be anything like a free template, an e-book, a free trial. It can be anything relevant to the prospect they would find useful. 

4. Keep the language of your follow-up email clear

It would help if you value the reader’s time, and for that, you have to ensure that you don’t waste their time. Keep the message clear and direct. The reader shouldn’t have to put in an extra effort to understand it. Stay to the point and tell the recipient what you expect them to do with a strong CTA. Easy to understand emails have more chances of getting a response. 

5. End your email naturally

You have to end your email as naturally as possible by keeping the previous interactions in mind. There is no hard and fast rule for this, so it is up to you to close the email as you wish to while keeping the prospect in mind. It can be something like “looking forward to hearing from you” or something else the prospect would appreciate. 

6. Get ready with your upcoming follow-up emails

Things go well when you have a plan. You have to create initial and follow-up emails beforehand based on your sales funnel. Be ready for what action you have to take if the prospect doesn’t reply to your follow-up email, and it has to be as seamless as possible. 

Follow-Up Mistakes To Avoid

Sales reps commit a few common email mistakes that seem quite basic but can have a lot of impact on your sales numbers. Let’s see what they are and how to avoid them,

1. Mentioning ‘follow-up’ in the subject line

Some reps use ‘follow-up’ in the email subject line, which isn’t the right approach. Even if your email is a follow-up, you shouldn’t mention it in the subject line as it doesn’t add to the value of the email. It instead increases the chances of the recipient ignoring your message altogether. The recipient may also feel that you are blaming them for not responding to your email. Try writing a subject line that looks relevant to the email body. 

2. Not adding value

It would be of no use if you send a follow-up email but don’t add any value to it. It would help if you didn’t waste prospects’ time with such emails. Try to offer something of value to the reader and show them how your product or service can help them. 

3. Forgetting to include a CTA

A CTA or call-to-action is a requisite in every email you send to the prospect, including the follow-up email. If you don’t include a CTA in your email, the reader will not know what to do after reading it. The CTA can be anything like a reply from the prospect’s end, a call-back, or a request to fill out a form. Just make sure to keep the CTA clear and be specific.

4. Not following up in time

It is better not to wait for too long before sending your follow-up email. It would be good to keep that waiting time around 3 days instead of more than 10 days. Waiting for too long can make the prospect forget what the CTA was and you wanted them to do. Regardless of which industry you are in, the timing of your follow-up email is crucial. If you delay unnecessarily, you will lose the prospect.  

4 Golden Rules For Sales Follow-up Emails

You have to follow a few best practices when you are following up with prospects after giving them a demo. 

1. Don’t follow up immediately

Following up just after you had a conversation with them is not a very good idea. Give a gap of at least 12 working hours after you complete the demo. 

2. Practice being patient

Even if you are under pressure to complete your targets, don’t pass on that pressure to the prospect. Be as patient as you can be, and don’t rush into things. If you try to make it look too urgent, the prospect will distance themselves from you.

3. Check whether the team is ready

When you plan to follow up, you must ensure that your team is all set for it. There shouldn’t be a problem in the process after you reach out to a prospect, or else you can lose them.

4. Make sure you covered everything discussed in the previous interaction

Check whether you covered all the points in the email. The prospect should have all the details of your last interaction with them.

Increase Conversions With Follow Up Email For Sales

A follow-up email is important for sales, and if you are in the bracket of salespeople who persistently follow up, you can close more deals.

Make use of the above tips and tricks to improve your follow-up strategy. Make sure to add a human touch because people can make out when they get an email using automated software. You can’t expect a response to such emails, and that is why you have to step in yourself if you want to close a deal. If you feel low, try to read sales motivational quotes. They will surely help you.

Whatever tactics and templates you use, make sure that you don’t end up disrespecting the prospects in the name of follow-up. 


1. What is a follow up email?

A follow-up email refers to an email or a sequence of emails sent after an initial email or reaching a particular stage in the buyer journey. You can also send a follow-up email if someone is in the middle of a trial

2. What is free trial follow-up?

With free trial follow-up emails, the aim is to turn prospects into paying customers by providing them a chance to use the full version of their solution. This is quite common in the SaaS industry.

3. What is lead magnet opt-in follow-up?

People provide their email addresses in return for valuable resources. You can ask visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, and as there is a double opt-in, subscribers have to confirm the subscription in their inbox.


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