Author: Sushant Shekhar
Top 11 Saleshandy Alternatives
Are you looking for a Saleshandy alternative? If yes, it is obvious that you are not happy with the tool anymore! Don’t worry; you are actually at the right place, and here you’ll find the top-performing alternatives to Saleshandy that offer you way more than you expect. At the end of this post, you’ll know…
Saleshandy Review – Features, Pricing, Alternatives
Wondering which sales automation tool to go for? It is easy to get confused thanks to the huge number of options lying in front of you. However, ending up choosing the wrong tool can affect the outcome and not get you the desired results. So how do you know which tool is the best for…
What Is A Custom Tracking Domain & How Does It Work?
Need help to amplify your cold email sequences’ impact? Imagine the frustration of spending resources on a campaign, only to have your tracking links blocked or mislabeled as spam. This not only messes up your analytics but also brings down sender reputation. This is where Custom Tracking Domains come in. These personalized, brand-aligned domains offer…
16 Best Practices for Crafting Effective CTAs Emai to Boost Sales
Almost 64% of email recipients open or delete an email based on its subject line. This surprising statistic shows the crucial importance of a captivating beginning. Yet, crafting a captivating subject line is only half the battle. The real challenge lies in transforming those email opens into conversions. For that, you must have a strong…
30-60-90 Day Sales Plan: The Complete Guide
Sales reps who use the 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan are 30% more successful than those who don’t. This clearly supports the fact that without a structured plan, you might face stress and the risk of not meeting your targets, which can be frustrating. Don’t know where to start? This guide provides a step-by-step 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan.…
25 Best Email Verification Tools To Check Email Validity
Are you looking for the best email verification tools? You have landed on the right place as we have 25 tools for you along with the main factors you should consider while picking one. But why do you need email verification tools in the first place? You must be aware that your email deliverability should be good…
What Is The Right Number Of Cold Email Follow-Ups You Should Send?
Do your cold email campaigns need help to land responses? Crafting an effective follow-up strategy is essential. The challenge lies in striking the right frequency. Sending too many follow-up emails can make you seem pushy. However, sending too few emails may cause you to lose prospects’ attention. Don’t know what to do? Don’t worry! We’re…
How To End A Cold Email (30 Examples Of Best Email Closings + 07 Tips)
SalesBlink’s free email signature generator
13 Best Sales Forecasting Tools in 2024 to predict revenue
Can you predict what your sales in the next quarter will be? If your answer is a guess, you need to apply sales forecasting now! Every business aims to outwit its competitors using data-driven strategies in the competitive global market. And applying effective sales forecasting is a crucial part of any data-backed business strategy. Do…
20 Best CRM Software 2024 to Manage Customer Data Effectively
Growing sales is no longer limited to advertising your offerings and convincing people to buy them. Nurturing and building personal relationships with prospects and past buyers makes your brand and offerings stand out while earning their attention and loyalty. The best way to ensure this is through systematically managing your relationships with every possible or…