Category: Marketing

  • How To Schedule A Meeting Via SalesBlink

    How To Schedule A Meeting Via SalesBlink

    Have you ever felt stuck waiting for email replies? It’s not surprising how emails get ignored, leading to delays and missed opportunities. This makes meetings a better alternative to expect more sales interaction and sealed deals!  A study discovered that face-to-face meetings were an incredible 3400% more likely to get positive responses than emails. This…

  • Best 21 B2B Lead Generation Strategies To Boost Sales Growth

    Best 21 B2B Lead Generation Strategies To Boost Sales Growth

    Do you know according to a study, 61% of marketers find B2B lead generation to be a tough task? As a sales professional, you can’t agree more! The buyers are well-aware and well-informed thanks to the Internet. If that was not enough, you have to deal with the cut-throat competition that keeps shaking the foundation of…

  • Lead Generation vs Brand Awareness – Where To Invest Your Time?

    Lead Generation vs Brand Awareness – Where To Invest Your Time?

    Do you know that 61% of marketers consider lead generation to be their biggest challenge (Source: HubSpot, 2021)? And the Content Marketing Institute reports that 86% of B2C marketers and 91% of B2B marketers view brand awareness as an important goal (Source: Content Marketing Institute, 2021). So which one should you focus on to maximize…

  • How To Send Bulk Emails: Comprehensive Guide

    How To Send Bulk Emails: Comprehensive Guide

    Do you know that currently, there are around 4.3 million email users around the globe, and by 2025 the number will jump to (even surpass) 4.6 million? Additionally, 86 percent of professionals label email as their go-to channel for business communication. These figures prove that email is the most powerful communication channel, especially in sales…

  • 6 Steps To Create An Effective Ideal Customer Profile

    6 Steps To Create An Effective Ideal Customer Profile

    An effective ideal customer profile (ICP) is the foundation of the customer acquisition process. But how do you go about creating one? Creating an effective ICP requires taking the time to understand who you are targeting and what they need. It would be great if you had all the steps defined to build one. But…

  • What Is A Custom Tracking Domain & How Does It Work?

    What Is A Custom Tracking Domain & How Does It Work?

    Need help to amplify your cold email sequences’ impact? Imagine the frustration of spending resources on a campaign, only to have your tracking links blocked or mislabeled as spam. This not only messes up your analytics but also brings down sender reputation.  This is where Custom Tracking Domains come in. These personalized, brand-aligned domains offer…

  • The 15 Best ERP Software for Streamlining Business Processes 2024

    The 15 Best ERP Software for Streamlining Business Processes 2024

    Are your efforts to grow your business resulting in confusion? You may probably be stuck with an outdated resource management system! The traditional approach of using separate software for every business function and manually sharing records between departments is too inefficient to enable the fast growth of a modern business.  You now need a superior…

  • Creating Buyer Personas: A Step-By-Step Guide

    Creating Buyer Personas: A Step-By-Step Guide

    Have you ever wondered how businesses get what customers want? Well, it is all about creating the right buyer personas.  In today’s crowded market, understanding your prospects is super important. Need help figuring out where to start? Don’t worry! Our easy guide on creating buyer personas is here to spill the beans!  Whether you’re new…

  • Top 3 Stages of the Buyers’ Journey Sales Rep Should Know

    Top 3 Stages of the Buyers’ Journey Sales Rep Should Know

    Did you know that 67% of B2B customers kickstart their purchase journey online? In today’s digital age, this statistic shows the immense importance of understanding the buyer’s journey in the world of B2B sales. Have you ever wondered the reasons behind a customer’s choice of a particular product or service? What thought processes are behind…

  • 14 Ultimate B2B Lead Scoring Best Practices To Close More Deals

    14 Ultimate B2B Lead Scoring Best Practices To Close More Deals

    Lead scoring enables sales teams to prioritize their leads and focus on those most likely to convert. But setting up an effective lead-scoring system can be challenging. That’s why 79% of B2B marketers have not established lead scoring yet.  In this blog post, we’ll help you by covering the best practices for setting up an…