Category: Marketing

  • The Detailed B2B Marketing Guide For Savvy Marketers

    The Detailed B2B Marketing Guide For Savvy Marketers

    Do you know that 76% of B2B organizations have a proper marketing plan? You are missing out on something significant if you don’t have one. So, if you are looking to up your game but don’t know where to start, this guide’s for you! This B2B marketing guide will cover everything you need to know…

  • How to Send An Email To Multiple Recipients – Explained

    How to Send An Email To Multiple Recipients – Explained

    Around 90% of the US population (above the age of 15) use email. Given this, email marketing becomes an important part of brand awareness. Nearly all businesses put their stakes on cold email outreach or bulk emailing due to its high ROI. So, why not use this to your advantage? If you’re well-versed with email…

  • Push and Pull Marketing – Top Differences You Need To Know

    Push and Pull Marketing – Top Differences You Need To Know

    Did you know that 71% of customers stated their preferences for pull marketing strategies over push marketing?  You might be wondering what exactly is push and pull marketing? Well, fear not, because we will clear all your confusion. All marketing strategies can be broadly classified into two distinct categories – push and pull.  Both the…

  • Closed Loop Marketing: Benefits, Steps & Tools To Get Started

    Closed Loop Marketing: Benefits, Steps & Tools To Get Started

    Are you struggling to determine the impact of your marketing activities on your sales? Chances are you might be drowning a lot of money on unproductive stuff! In fact, marketers estimate that they are wasting 26% of their budgets on futile activities. In this situation, getting rid of unproductive activities and focusing on the ones…

  • Upselling and Cross-Selling: Difference, Examples and Strategies

    Upselling and Cross-Selling: Difference, Examples and Strategies

    Upselling and Cross-selling B2B sales strategies aim at drawing prospective or new customers towards your product or service to generate further sales. And the effect is significant!  It is not surprising to see that upselling can raise sales by 10-30% on ecommerce sites, while cross-selling raises profits by over 30% on an average. Moreover, reports…

  • The Ultimate Video Sales Letter (VSL) Guide

    The Ultimate Video Sales Letter (VSL) Guide

    Do you watch more video content than reading blogs? Well, you are not alone; a majority of us do so. That’s why it is not surprising to know that 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. If you haven’t joined the bandwagon yet, it is time to gear up! Let’s learn how to…

  • What is Outreach Marketing? – Benefits, Tips And Strategies

    What is Outreach Marketing? – Benefits, Tips And Strategies

    The primary aim of every business to sell its product or service. To do so effectively, you have to connect with those likely to make a purchase, i.e. your potential customers. That is where outreach marketing helps you out.   Our client Bob was smart enough to choose outreach marketing and with our inputs, he…

  • Real-Time Marketing: Tactics & Examples To Win As A Marketer

    Real-Time Marketing: Tactics & Examples To Win As A Marketer

    Don’t you feel marketing is an essential part of any business? You must have seen that unless and until you market your product, you won’t be able to make sales as expected. Statistics say that 75% marketers reveal that campaigns affect the company’s revenue. You have to constantly keep honing your skills to be relevant…

  • 20 Ultimate Growth Hacking Strategies For Startups

    20 Ultimate Growth Hacking Strategies For Startups

    Slack grew to an impressive count of 500,000 daily active users in just a year which is quite a feat! This is a splendid example of growth hacking. Growth is a buzzword in the business world, but many entrepreneurs are still unsure what growth hacking strategies are and how they work! Chances are that you also…

  • 7 Common Cold Email Marketing Mistakes To Avoid To Get More Deals

    7 Common Cold Email Marketing Mistakes To Avoid To Get More Deals

    The usefulness of email marketing is now being questioned by many experts. This is because most emails sent directly go into spam and are never read. However, we say that email marketing is indeed useful. Personalized promotions, completely direct addressing, and communication. All of these contribute to the success of this method even today. Many…