Tag: sales email

  • 23 Email Metrics To Track For Better Sales Outreach

    23 Email Metrics To Track For Better Sales Outreach

    Do you know that conversions through email are 40% more than Facebook and Twitter? No wonder it is the go-to channel for sales outreach! We could talk for days about the most critical elements of an effective outreach campaign: some common mistakes, a few shortcut formulas, different ways to pitch, and whatnot. But they are only impressive…

  • 18 Ways To Improve Sales Email (+10 Templates)

    18 Ways To Improve Sales Email (+10 Templates)

    Buyers have too much on their plate already, and most often, they don’t have the time and mental space to put their ongoing tasks down and read your sales emails. Additionally, the customer attention span is just 8 seconds and is shrinking with each passing day, making it immensely tough to hold the prospect’s attention. However,…