Sales Automation Tools

28 Best Sales Automation Tools Worth Investing In

Every business is aiming at getting its work processes automated these days regardless of its industry. And sales is not an exception. Automation helps save the time of reps to a great extent.
So, let’s take a look at what sales automation tools are, their benefits, what to consider while choosing the tools, a list of the top tools, and the disadvantages of sales automation.

What Is A Sales Automation Tool?

Sales automation tools are software that sales teams use for automating sales processes with better efficiency, right from prospecting and nurturing leads to closing. Tasks like order processing, contact and customer management, sales forecasting, and much more get automated using these tools.

Some tools help you automate all the steps in the sales cycle, whereas a few specialize in one particular sales process aspect. 

Benefits of a Sales Automation Tool

Research says that sales reps spend one-third of the day making sales while the rest of the day they carry out manual tasks. 

It is precisely why you need a sales automation tool! Your time-consuming and tedious tasks will get automated. Therefore, you can invest your time in actually building connections with potential customers and closing deals. 

Following is a closer look at the benefits of using sales automation tools:

1. They make reporting better

To keep things moving smoothly, the sales and marketing teams have to sync with each other. Therefore, having in-depth reports handy regarding every tiny detail can help you get better results. That is precisely what sales automation tools help you with. Also, they give you an insight into the analytics. 

For example, knowing how many calls reps need to make to close a sale can enhance sales forecasts. If you know whether the prospect opened the email you sent or not, you will get a better idea of how interested that prospect is in your product/service. Also, the behavior tracking feature of sales automation tools fetches you such reports that gauge how things are going and what you should do to improve your sales strategy. 

2. They help save time and boost efficiency

Automating time-consuming tasks can free up sales reps, and that is precisely what you would want as a salesperson. Moreover, by using sales automation tools, you can automate redundant tasks. Also, the time saved can be set aside for constructive work related to sales. You’ll agree that time management for sales reps is crucial.

For example, if a sales rep contacts prospects on the phone, it is better to minimize other duties like writing emails by going in for automation. Also, with the help of sales automation tools, the sales rep can get email templates that work well for various sales processes. In addition, there are cold email sequences and mass sales outreach features in most sales automation tools to help you with minimizing work.

A sales tool can also help with tracking phone activity and automate several actions. The reduction in manual work results in an upsurge in productivity. Also, a sales tool like booking software can help you streamline your business and make sure you’re not missing out on potential leads. It allows you to easily schedule appointments, meetings, classes, events, and more.

3. They increase focus on high-quality leads

With automated lead scoring, there is a tremendous decrease in the workload of marketing and sales teams.  Sorting out prospects manually is a daunting task that is prone to errors. Also, the idea of a qualified lead is different in the minds of other people. When you automate the sales process, sales reps will pursue the right leads and close deals faster. There can also be a categorization of leads based on the different scores, and one can send them messages accordingly. 

Automation intends to make salespeople’s jobs easy to invest their time, efforts, and skills on things that matter the most. To understand your role better, check this – BDR vs SDR.

What To Consider While Choosing Sales Automation Tools?

Here is a list of what all you must consider while you search for suitable sales automation tools for your business,

1. Easy integration

You have to look for a sales automation platform that is easy to integrate with other platforms. It will streamline the work process to a great extent. For example, your outreach tool should be easy to integrate with the CRM software.

2. Data enrichment feature

It is always better to have additional information related to your prospects that includes the company’s size, the industry, job title, social media links, technology used by them at present, and so on. When you have enough details with you and mention them while reaching out to the prospect, it will help you seem trustworthy. Some sales automation tools helps you filter out data from different sources so that you only have relevant and updated information at hand. It will help you when you are interacting with prospects. They will feel happy that you took the pains to know so much about them in detail. However, don’t behave like a stalker, as that can be annoying. 

3. Enable saving email templates 

It is a good idea to look for a platform that lets you save the email content you repeatedly send as templates. It would help you save a lot of time when you have to send similar emails to prospects over and over again. Follow-up emails and emails for confirming meetings usually have the same content, and having a pre-written template with you would be of help. However, you should try to personalize the email if you want to grab the attention of prospects. Sending generic emails will turn recipients off, and they will ignore your email. 

4. Meeting Scheduler 

When you reach out to people, and if things go well, there is a high chance of booking an in-person or online meeting. Conventionally you would have to send emails back and forth to finalize the date and time that suits both you and the prospect. However, if your outreach tool has a meeting scheduler, it will be easier to fix a meeting. Finally, all you would need to do is send your calendar link to the prospects, and they would select a date and time from it. 

It is a convenient way of scheduling meetings.

5. Automated filling of proposal or quote

Manually preparing proposals and quotes is a tough job for salespeople. Look around for a tool to help you fill proposals by extracting data from calls, notes, email, records, and CRM. If you automate the process, reps will get more time to sell instead of sitting on the desk to draft documents. 

6. Lead scoring

If you want the sales reps to concentrate on the best deals, you must consider using a tool that helps you with lead scoring. The software will help determine how qualified a lead is and which one you should give first preference. 

Best Sales Automation Tools to Close Deals Faster

Following is a list of some of the sales email automation software that will help to close deals faster:

SalesBlink is one of the top sales automation tools that is a one-stop destination for sales teams. It takes you from email outreach to closing in a snap. Also, it is one of the best sales automation software around. Moreover, SalesBlink is a SaaS product that smoothens the functioning of the sales team.

SalesBlink- sales automation tools

SalesBlink has plenty of solutions to offer, and they include:

1. Sales Sequence using BlinkGPT AI

2. Email Verification

3. Cold Email Outreach

4. Meeting Scheduler

5. Unified Inbox

The features include:

a. Automated follow-ups – The tool creates cold email sequences with several follow-ups. You can save follow-up email templates if you want to be more productive.

b. Personalization – You can personalize the images and email.

c. Unsubscribe option – Recipients are free to unsubscribe from your mailing list. 

d. Lead activity tracking – Tracking clicks and opens by recipients is easy. 

e. Chatbot + Live Chat Support – This helps in resolving issues with the tool. 

Undoubtedly, the tool is quite user-friendly and works seamlessly. Here’s how to automate cold outreach sales using SalesBlink.


SalesBlink has 3 different plans.

Scale– $29/mo

Growth – $99/mo

Business – $199/mo

Also, there is a 7-day free trial for those who want to give SalesBlink a try. 

2. EngageBay

EngageBay - Sales Automation Tools

EngageBay is a free sales CRM for your small business. Use EngageBay as a stand-alone or as a landing page-integrated broadcast messenger to engage with customers, solicit feedback from prospects, and allow responses from those who have questions. Make sales efforts more efficient by broadcasting messages through EngageBay to your website visitors or prospective customers.

You can integrate EngageBay with SalesBlink.


  • Holistic customer view
  • Make calls directly
  • Proposal analytics
  • Sales automation 
  • Account-based marketing
  • Email Tracking
  • Scheduling Appointments and more.
  • Landing Page Builder


EngageBay offers a free plan and their paid plan starts from $10.79 per user/month

Growth plan $35.99 per user/month

Pro plan $57.59 per user/month

3. - Sales Automation Tools

You can count as one of the best sales engagement platforms available. It automates sales processes that help free up the time of sales reps which they can use in nurturing leads and closing sales. It lets users view the main metrics and other details from a single dashboard. Along with scheduling email sequences, the platform offers email tracking, a meeting scheduler and an auto-dialer. 


You have to request a quote on their website. 

4. Aritic

Aritic - Sales Automation Tools

Aritic PinPoint is a unified marketing automation software platform for marketing operations teams or SMEs. It helps you to build relationships with leads, automate marketing campaigns and convert leads to paying customers easily.


  • Landing page builder
  • Lead scoring
  • Lead tracking
  • Lead nurturing
  • Email campaign
  • Email campaign automation 
  • A/B testing features with a mobile optimized interface

Aritic PinPoint integrates with CMS, like WordPress, Drupal, has bi-directional native CRM integration with Salesforce, SugarCRM, Dynamic CRM, Zoho CRM and social media platform integration with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Foursquare, and Instagram.

200+ brands are using the Aritic platform along inbound marketing and sales engagement.


  • Lite Pack starts with USD $19 per month billed monthly
  • Starter Pack with USD $79 per month billed monthly
  • Professional Pack starts with USD $99 per month billed

5. LeadSquared


LeadSquared is a sales and marketing automation tool designed to improve sales productivity and increase ROI.

It helps the sales teams to streamline their processes, target and close deals quickly. It also helps build custom workflows, set timely reminders, keep a tab on the lead scoring, and much more.

Key Features:

  • Automated Lead Management
  • Comprehensive Reports and Analytics
  • Segmented User Lists
  • Mobile CRM
  • Built-in Dialer

The platform gives a complete view of what potential customers are doing and what they like, allowing for personalized sales from one place.

LeadSquared can integrate with a variety of other tools to enhance its functionality and streamline business operations.

Some common integrations include popular CRM platforms like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics, email marketing tools like Mailchimp and Gmail, communication platforms like Twilio and WhatsApp, as well as verification software like Karza and pVerify.

Additionally, LeadSquared offers integrations with various lead generation tools, social media platforms, and analytics solutions to provide a comprehensive ecosystem for businesses to manage their sales and marketing efforts efficiently.


Available upon request

6. Mailshake 

Mailshake - Sales Automation Tools

Mailshake is a well-known sales email automation platform that helps sales teams achieve their goals. It is a best automated cold outreach tool using which you can personalize emails at scale and schedule follow-ups with ease. It is also simple to engage with prospects through other channels, namely, social media platforms and phone. The tool enables you to handle the tasks from one dashboard so that everything looks organized. 

In addition, helps with task management, email tracking, automation, content, and workflow management.  

Furthermore, integrations are easy with Mailshake as you can integrate with several other platforms, including Salesforce, Pipedrive and Hubspot, and many more. You can also integrate Mailshake with SalesBlink.


Mailshake’s email outreach starts at $59 per user per month, and the sales engagement plan begins at $99 per user per month. 

Compare SalesBlink with Mailshake.

7. HubSpot Sales

HubSpot Sales - Sales Automation Tools

HubSpot Sales is another cloud-based sales automation software tool. It also offers real-time engagement updates and is quite helpful for the sales team. 

The tool works for every stage of the sales funnel, right from lead generation to nurturing and deal closing. The user-friendly tool also has email templates, automated follow-ups and scheduling, automated data entry, and behavior tracking. In addition, it comes with a click-to-call dialer to make tasks easier for sales reps. It is pretty helpful in closing more deals in less time. 

Additionally, it has a CRM tool that helps with managing the engagement history of prospects. This provides a better idea of the interests of the prospects.

You can integrate HubSpot with SalesBlink.


HubSpot Sales with basic functionality is free to use. 

The  “Starter” package costs $40/month, and you can use it for up to 1,000 contacts. 

The “Professional” package costs $800/month with more features when compared to the Starter package.

Then there is the “Enterprise” package that costs $3,200/month, which is the best of all three packages. 

8. Lemlist

Lemlist - Sales Automation Tool

Lemlist is one of the many sales email automation tools that lets you create highly personalized email templates, videos and images. It has an email warm-up feature that automatically warms up your email account for you so that your deliverability experiences a boost and your emails land in the inbox of recipients. You can get most of the repetitive tasks automated of the sales team and send personalized emails at scale. 

You can integrate Lemlist with SalesBlink.


The platform has an Email Warm-up plan at $29 per month, an Email outreach plan at $59 per user per month, and a Sales engagement platform at $99 per user per month. 

Compare SalesBlink with Lemlist.

9. Woodpecker

Woodpecker - Sales Automation Tool

Woodpecker is an AI-powered best outbound automation tool that is useful for sales teams. You can save time on repetitive tasks and use it to build a relationship with prospects and clients. The tool verifies email addresses and lets you adjust email sending parameters. It uses an algorithm to ensure that your email deliverability stays intact. You can personalize your emails quickly and in scale using this tool. It also has an A/B testing feature to improve performance further. 

You can integrate Woodpecker with SalesBlink.


Woodpecker’s paid plan starts at $39 per month per slot. 

Compare SalesBlink with Woodpecker.

10. Growbots

Growbots - Sales Automation Tools

This one is an outbound sales automation platform. It is a tool that generate saas leads and integrates with CRMs with a 100 million database to help you out. Also, you can easily reach out to the right decision-makers. In addition, the platform lets you search for people with specific job titles, departments, seniority levels, and areas of interest. You can get their details in under a minute.

The main idea behind Growbots is to get leads that the sales team can convert into customers quickly. 

The main features include email personalization, automated follow-ups, and multi-channel sequences. Here are detailed reports and monitoring of opens, clicks, and replies. Also, Growbots has A/B testing, instant contact lists, access to a substantial self-updating database, and much more.

You can integrate Growbots with SalesBlink.


They have an ‘All in one’ plan that costs $199 per user/month

11. Overloop


If you need help with creating prospect email lists, Overloop is the best for you. It enables you to verify names, titles, contact numbers, and other important information. With it, you, as a sales professional, can also come up with effective outreach campaigns with personalized emails, follow-up calls, and social touches. Moreover, the multichannel sales automation platform increases the productivity of the sales team. There are powerful tools to accelerate sales prospecting. You can also analyze the performance of campaigns and keep track of the goals of the sales team. 

You can also integrate it with other platforms like Salesforce, Zapier, PieSync, or PipeDrive. It has two-way sync with CRM and easy-to-do personalization of emails and messages. 

You can integrate Overloop with SalesBlink.


The “Essential” package is available at $79 for the 1st user/month and $29 for each additional user per month. It comes with 250 email finder credits for a month and lets you send 400 emails per address in a day.

Also, the “Business” package is available at $129 for the 1st user/month and $39 for each additional user per month. This comes with 1,000 email finder credits for a month and lets you send 1,500 emails per address in a day. 

12. automates sales outreach and has a lot to offer as it is AI-powered. It helps in putting inbound and outbound sales on autopilot but at the same time adds a human touch. Sales teams can carry out multi-channel outreach using email, phone, SMS and social media. 

 As the manual tasks get automated, there is a considerable reduction in the workload of reps. Moreover, you can easily integrate it with the tools you presently use for seamless functioning that avoids any confusion.

You can integrate with SalesBlink.

Pricing has plans starting at $70 per user per month. There is a free 14-day trial.

13. GMass 


GMass is an email marketing extension that you can add to your Gmail account. Using it, you can create cold email sequences and track email opens, clicks and replies. You can set automatic follow-ups till you get a response from the other end. The tool also has a mail merge feature that lets you send personalized emails by getting data from any Google sheets column. It also has an in-built email verifier that ensures that you send emails to valid email addresses and keeps your deliverability intact. The platform offers a mass email service that removes the sending limit of Gmail. 

You can integrate Gmass with SalesBlink.


GMass’ Standard plan starts at $12.95 per month, and the Premium plan starts at $19.95 per month. 

14. Sales Creatio

Creatio Sales - Sales Automation Tool

Sales Creatio has cloud-based sales automation software along with CRM software. It uses AI to speed up all the operations and is an excellent platform for accelerating the sales process. It also provides a smooth path for the whole sales cycle, right from finding leads to repeating sales.

Using Sales Creatio, you can also automate the generation of revenue and sales reports, automate sales forecasting, scheduling meetings, and lead management. 

You can integrate


The “Team” package at $30 per user per month is ideal for small-sized and mid-sized organizations.

The “Commerce” package priced at $35 per user per month is perfect for e-commerce firms.

The “Enterprise” package priced at $60 per user per month is ideal for medium to large organizations.

15. ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo - Sales Automation Tool

ZoomInfo is another lead generation that the cloud hosts. Using it, there is access to an expansive contact database. You can also get names, titles, email addresses, and contact numbers using ZoomInfo. Using its B2B contact and company data, you can maximize sales productivity. 

In addition, it has robust search functions, provides insightful details, 50,000+ searchable data points, and lets you create actionable target lists.

Additionally, you can integrate ZoomInfo’s platform with most other common sales apps. 


There is a free trial for you to get an experience of its features. 

However, they don’t reveal the cost of their paid plan online. You have to ask for a quote. 

16. Datanyze


Datanyze is a sales automation platform meant for B2B companies, and it helps with finding prospects and connecting with them. It is an extension available on Chrome that provides phone numbers and email addresses. The ease of use is the most significant benefit of this customer intelligence tool. It also has 84 million email addresses and 48 million direct-dial phone numbers that make finding prospects easier. The other features that make Datanyze quite sought-after are its accuracy, privacy compliance, and cost-effectiveness. 


It has a free trial as well as a premium package. The package costs $39 per month with yearly billing. 

17. InsightSquared


InsightSquared is a sales forecasting software that runs on artificial intelligence (AI). It uses your company’s data to improve revenue operations and make precise sales forecasts to help you grow your business.

InsightSquared does analytics reporting, sales forecasting, and data quality monitoring while specializing in data intelligence. 

In addition, it gives an unfiltered and unbiased forecast that gets backing from machine learning.  The process of submission is also simple as there is no need for user manual Excel sheets anymore. With the software, there are AI-driven real-time updates. You can also segment the forecasts based on region, products, and line of business. Additionally, the platform is quite flexible and comprehensive that makes business decisions that you can depend on. 


You have to request for a quote.

18. Lead IQ

Lead IQ

With LeadIQ, you can get to the right prospects quickly. LeadIQ is an easy-to-use tool that helps sales reps close deals faster. 

All your leads will be in one place so that you can get in touch with them with just a click of the mouse. In addition, this sales automation software helps in making prospecting easier as you can integrate it with other tools. 


The Starter plan costs $75 per User/Month for a team of 3 users. It is suitable for a small sales team. 

The Pro Plan starts at $135/Month and is best for growing sales teams.

There is the Enterprise plan too for established sales teams, and you have to request a quote for the price.

19. MixMax


MixMax is an email management tool that lets users track emails and schedule email sequences. You can also monitor real-time email clicks, opens, and engagement with the help of real-time notifications. It allows you to schedule meetings effectively with just a click and helps you personalize every message you send. In addition to that, you can synchronize Mixmax with most other sales automation softwares. 

Mixmax is secure with data privacy and encryption. Also, it is GDPR compliant and TristArc certified. 

You can integrate Mixmax with SalesBlink.


There is a free basic plan for users. Next, they have a Starter plan that costs $9 per user per month billed yearly.

There is an SMB plan that costs $24 per user per month billed yearly.

They have a Growth plan, too, that costs $49 per user per month billed yearly. 

20. Leadfeeder


Leadfeeder is a sales prospecting platform that helps in identifying visitors to your website. With a web intelligence tool like Leadfeeder, you can also contact all those who showed interest in your product or service by visiting your website. In addition, there is a data enrichment feature as well for faster outreach and easy integration with CRM. 

Using Leadfeeder will help you close deals faster. You will also be able to build a better sales pitch after knowing what prospects are interested in. Additionally, Leadfeeder integrates with other automation tools.  


There is a free version of Leadfeeder called ‘Lite’ with basic functionality.

The Premium version has all the features, and its price starts from $63 per month. 

There is a free trial as well. 

21. Pipedrive


A small enterprise would find Pipedrive to be just perfect. It is an excellent sales automation CRM. With the help of this tool, you can also monitor and plan operations. The features include team collaboration, insights and reporting, activities reminders, email synchronization, and much more. Moreover, it is a tool that helps with prioritizing deals, keeping track of performance, and predicting revenue. Additionally, you can manage leads better and have complete control over your schedule. By automating administrative tasks, you can reduce the workload considerably. 

You can integrate Pipedrive with SalesBlink.


a. Essential plan is $12.50 per user per month billed annually.

b. Advanced plan is $24.90 per user per month billed annually.

c. Professional plan is $49.90 per user per month billed annually.

d. Enterprise plan is $99.90 per user per month billed annually.

22. Leadiro


Leadiro is a perfect tool for lead generation. It has a vast database with contact details of companies in more than 98 counties. Most importantly, it is updated from time to time. With Leadiro, you get intelligent and accurate contact data for B2B sales.

You get to filter out target accounts at an economical price. In addition to that, there is a 95% contact validity score. 


There is a free trial plan to get started.

The premium plan is $259 per month, in which you get 5000+ contact downloads per month and customer support. 

23. Pega Sales automation

Pega - Sales Automation

If you are looking to boost productivity, speed up the sales cycle, and increase revenue, you should turn to Pega sales automation software. It also uses artificial intelligence to identify hot leads with lead scoring. In addition, sales reps get the much-needed help in getting the prospect moving in the sales funnel and getting converted into a paying customer.

The software has the following features:

a. Identification of opportunities to upsell, cross-sell and make repeat sales.

b. Personalization of deals

c. Determining the performance of sales reps with a lead ranking score

d. Email integration

e. Outlook calendar

f. Partnership with LinkedIn Sales Navigator


“Standard Edition” package costs $140 per user/month

“Intelligence Edition” package costs $170 per user/month

“Engagement Edition” package costs $240 per user/month

24. Yesware


Yesware is an all-in-one software solution for salespeople. You can improve your performance at sales tasks with attachment tracking, presentation tracking, and much more.

You can also install and integrate the software in an instant. In addition, there are unique features like seamless integration with Salesforce, instant meeting scheduling, personalized templates for emails, and a click-to-call dialer. 


The “Premium” version costs $45 per user/month 

The “Enterprise” version costs $85 per user/month

25. Autoklose


Autoklose is a complete sales platform that generates leads for B2B organizations, takes care of email outreach, and automates redundant sales tasks. The main aim is to help sales reps avoid wasting their time making cold calls and repetitive tasks. It also offers real-time reporting, tracks emails, does contact and email campaign management. 

You can also integrate Autoklose with other platforms like Microsoft Exchange, Office 365, Novell Groupwise, and Salesforce. 

You can integrate AutoKlose with SalesBlink.


The “Starter” package costs $59.99 per user/month

The “Small Business” package costs $249.99 per five users/month

For the “Enterprise” package, you have to negotiate the price with Autoklose. 

26. Rollworks


Rollworks is a complete B2B sales platform that takes care of everything right from lead generation to engagement automation. It provides accurate prospect data and schedules follow-ups so that they reach recipients at the right time. Also, the software has powerful tools that nurture leads, two-way CRM integration, do A/B testing, and provide in-depth reports. 

You can integrate Rollworks with SalesBlink.


The “Starter” package costs $975 per month.

For the “Standard,” “Professional,” and “Ultimate” package, you have to request a quote.

27. PredictLeads


PredictLeads is a data management tool that finds contact information from relevant news sources, websites, career sites, and blogs. Also, using this tool, you can get information regarding the latest product launches, job openings, and other stuff that can impact closing deals.


Currently, PredictLeads has only one package to offer, and that is the “Professional” package at $490 a month. 

28. Picreel 


Picreel is a popular lead generation tool that helps you increase sales and conversions through well-timed exit-intent popups. The tool’s smart exit-intent technology automatically displays popups with attractive offers every time a visitor shows signs of leaving. In addition to this, Picreel popups can also be used to gather visitor information such as email addresses and phone numbers, upsell products, and retarget previous visitors. 

What’s interesting about this software is that it integrates beautifully with CRM tools. Such integrations automatically push quality leads to your CRM. Your sales and marketing team can nurture these leads and boost conversions. 

Ready-made popup templates, advanced targeting, A/B testing, and insightful reports are some of the key features of Picreel. 

You can integrate Picreel with SalesBlink.


Picreel’s paid plans start from $14/month. You also get a 30-day free trial.

29. Integrately


Integrately caters to all your automation needs. It is your one-stop solution for automating the entire sales process! An automation platform with support for 875+ apps and millions of ready-to-use one-click automation.

Automate several sales workflows like:

  • Creating and managing CRM contacts,
  • Sending follow-up mails,
  • Scheduling calls and meetings,
  • Logging communication details, etc

It is indeed a comprehensive platform with a user-friendly interface and zero learning curve. Use it to automate your sales process and be relieved from the hassle of manually performing mundane, repetitive tasks!


Integrately offers a 14-day free trial to have hands-on experience and then you can opt for any of the following packages:

Starter  $ 19.99 /month | Professional $ 39 /month

Growth $ 99 /month | Business $ 239 /month

30. Chargebee


The number-one subscription management and recurring billing software for eCommerce businesses, eCommerce subscription software by Chargebee effectively lets you put your eCommerce subscriptions on autopilot, and does most of the work for you. Trusted by high-growth D2C brands such as Pret and Goop, Chargebee helps subscription businesses discover new revenue potential by offering a range of subscription and pricing models, offer a seamless customer experience through an optimized checkout and self-service portal, and retain more customers through automated engagement and churn management features.


  • Secure checkout (.js and hosted)
  • Support for up to 6 pricing models
  • A/R aging report
  • Customer portal
  • Multi-language support
  • Sales tax automation
  • Advanced analytics
  • CRM integration
  • Accounting integration

Also, you can integrate ChargeBee with SalesBlink.


  • Free Launch plan covering your first $100k revenue 
  • Rise plan starts at $249/month
  • Scale plan starts at $549/month

Disadvantages of Sales Automation

The main drawbacks of using sales automation are the following:

Lack of human touch

1. The first and foremost drawback of sales automation is the loss of human touch. Though a robot can do basic and repetitive tasks like data entry or finding contact information better than people, you need humans for outreach, follow-up, and interactions with prospects and customers. 

2. Relying too much on automation can reduce your chances to personalize your outreach. There will be less creativity that can have a negative effect. 

3. Using technology while prospecting may fetch you a lot of fluids, but there won’t be the sales rep’s intuition involved which is of utmost importance. 

4. Also, what a computer can’t see, a human eye can. For example, a salesperson can see that a company’s sales volume is high, and it would be a suitable fit for the product or service they sell. An automated system will not be able to grasp this. 

Compounding of tiny mistakes

1. You must also note that when a human writes emails, there is the likelihood of one error in 10 emails, but if you use a template for email campaigns with a typo, it will hit the inboxes of all the prospects in the mailing list. 

2. As human intelligence is absent in automation tools, they can extract erroneous and outdated data. That is why you need human guidance at every stage of the sale process and rely on automated tools blindly.

Start Simplifying Your Sales Process With Sales Automation Tools

So, the above are some of the most efficient sales automation tools around. Using these tools, the sales team is free of mundane tasks, which helps sales reps focus on critical tasks requiring their attention. The whole sales process gets streamlined. 

While you can look at sales automation tools as a boon, there must be a human intervention to keep an eye on how the sales process moves. Also, without a human touch, customers most often tend to lose interest. To succeed, the bottom line is that you need the best sales automation tools and a competent sales team that knows how to use technology well. 


1. What is a sales automation tool?

Sales automation tools are software that sales teams use for automating sales processes with better efficiency, right from prospecting and nurturing leads to closing.

2. What is the benefit of using a sales automation tool?

Using these tools, the sales team is free of mundane tasks, which helps sales reps focus on critical tasks requiring their attention. The whole sales process gets streamlined.

3. Why should you invest in a sales automation tool?

Your time-consuming and tedious tasks will get automated. Therefore, you can invest your time in actually building connections with potential customers and closing deals.


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