Generate Leads From Cold Emails With User-Generated Content

Ideas To Generate Leads With User-Generated Content In Cold Email

If you are a brand owner, you know how often your cold emails get ignored. When you try to reach out to ignorant clients back, it almost becomes like a one-sided email story. And, we are sure that you must have tried out every possible strategy to make your cold emails more effective, but you end up failing. Not anymore, as we bring you some ideas on how you can generate leads from cold emails by integrating user-generated content with them. 

But before we move any further, allow us to introduce you to the concept of content generated by users.

The Importance Of User generated Content In Today’s Day & Age

User-generated content, just like its name, is something your customers or any common consumer produces, sharing their experience with a product or a brand. Brands can repurpose this content and leverage it onto various marketing strategies to boost their efforts.

The content that users generate is authentic and transparent, something that today’s customer seeks. When brands utilize such content, they are giving the customers exactly what they want, something that’s rawer and less flashy. 

Now, we have decided to share ideas that would help you generate hot leads from your cold emails.

Wondering how that happens? Let’s find out!

Ideas To Generate Leads Using User-Generated Content In Cold Email

Send something more relatable to your email recipients. Content that users generate will help your emails stand out. That’s because it’s unique and more relatable to the receivers as they get to see their peers representing your brand.

The best part about user-generated content is that it comes from different people coming from diverse backgrounds, so their way of expressing themselves is unique too. So, each content that you add to your cold email outreach campaign will be speaking its own unique story. That’s the factor that would intrigue the email recipients, and they would always look forward to your emails.

You can use a user-generated content platform to embed UGC in your cold emails.

But first, you would need to do some brainstorming as to what UGC you must include in your emails for B2B lead generation. So, here we go with user generated content ideas!

1. Testimonials

Include quotes or snippets from satisfied customers that demonstrate the value of your product or service. This can build trust and credibility with your prospects.

Incorporating testimonials in your cold email campaigns can be a powerful way to showcase the real-life experiences of satisfied customers, which can help you build trust and credibility with your prospects. 

Choose testimonials that highlight your product or service’s unique features or benefits. These specific quotes can help prospects understand exactly what sets your offering apart from competitors. Also, select testimonials that address your target audience’s pain points or needs. For example, if you’re reaching out to a prospect in a particular industry or role, share testimonials from customers in similar positions who have benefited from your solution.

Additionally, try to combine written quotes with other formats, such as audio or video testimonials to create a more engaging and compelling experience for your prospects. This can help capture their attention and make your email stand out.

Include the names, titles and company of the person providing the testimonial for more credibility to the quote. However, make sure to obtain permission from the customer before using their personal information.

2. Case Studies

Share real-life success stories from existing clients, emphasizing the results they achieved by using your solution. However, be sure to tailor the case studies to match your prospect’s industry or pain points. This can help prospects envision how your solution could work for them and their unique needs.

Emphasize the tangible results or benefits your clients achieved by using your product or service. This can include metrics like increased revenue, reduced costs, improved efficiency, or enhanced customer satisfaction. Quantifiable results can make your case study more compelling and persuasive.

Structure your case study as a narrative that takes your prospect through the customer’s journey, from the initial problem they faced to the solution your product or service provided and the results they experienced. Additionally, incorporate images, graphs, or charts to illustrate key data points or results. This can make the case study more engaging and relatable.

Also, make sure you provide a link to the full case study in your cold email. This allows interested prospects to explore the story deeply and learn more about your product or service.

3. User reviews

Pull positive reviews from various online platforms and highlight them in your cold emails. These third-party reviews can serve as unbiased endorsements of your offerings lending credibility to your offerings and helping to build trust with your prospects. In addition, these reviews demonstrate that real customers have had positive experiences with your product or service, making it easier for prospects to envision similar outcomes for themselves.

When selecting user reviews to include in your cold emails, look for reviews that provide specific details about the benefits or features of your product or service and address common pain points or concerns among your target audience.

4. Social media shoutouts

Feature social media posts from satisfied customers or influencers who have praised your product or service. Embedding a tweet or Instagram post adds a more personal touch to your email and can create a more visually engaging experience for your prospects. By featuring posts from satisfied customers or influencers who have praised your product or service, you can showcase genuine enthusiasm and support for your offerings. This can help prospects see the value of your solution from a different perspective, as social media posts often reflect candid opinions and experiences that resonate with potential customers.

When selecting social media shoutouts to include in your cold emails, focus on those that highlight specific benefits, features, or results achieved using your product or service. 

Furthermore, Tweets, Instagram posts, or LinkedIn updates from customers in the same industry or role as your prospect can be particularly effective, as they demonstrate the relevance and effectiveness of your solution for their unique needs. Additionally, featuring posts from well-known influencers or industry experts can help you leverage their authority and credibility, further enhancing the persuasive power of your email.

So that was about the ideas to use user-generated content in cold email.

Start Using User-Generated Content In Cold Email

Reaching the end of this blog, we hope that you have a better understanding of the power user-generated content holds and how it can help you generate warm leads from cold emails. 

Cold emails are often left unread by the email receivers or go to the spam or the trash can. But with user-generated content, you make your cold emails more actionable and impactful.

So, what are you waiting for? Get that email out of your drafts, revamp it, and hit the send button already!


1. What is user-generated content?

User-generated content refers to something customers produce through sharing their experience with a product or a brand. As a business, you can repurpose this content and use it for your benefit.

2. How to generate leads using user-generated content?

Include user-generated content in outreach emails to impress prospects. Add it to follow-up emails to make your email stand out from the rest of them in the prospect’s inbox.

3. What makes user-generated content stand out?

Customers want genuine and transparent information in today’s world, which they can easily get with user-generated content. When businesses use the content, they provide customers with just what they want.


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