Category: Sales

  • 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan: The Complete Guide

    30-60-90 Day Sales Plan: The Complete Guide

    Sales reps who use the 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan are 30% more successful than those who don’t. This clearly supports the fact that without a structured plan, you might face stress and the risk of not meeting your targets, which can be frustrating. Don’t know where to start? This guide provides a step-by-step 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan.…

  • 13 Best Sales Forecasting Tools in 2024 to predict revenue

    13 Best Sales Forecasting Tools in 2024 to predict revenue

    Can you predict what your sales in the next quarter will be? If your answer is a guess, you need to apply sales forecasting now! Every business aims to outwit its competitors using data-driven strategies in the competitive global market. And applying effective sales forecasting is a crucial part of any data-backed business strategy.  Do…

  • The 15 Best ERP Software for Streamlining Business Processes 2024

    The 15 Best ERP Software for Streamlining Business Processes 2024

    Are your efforts to grow your business resulting in confusion? You may probably be stuck with an outdated resource management system! The traditional approach of using separate software for every business function and manually sharing records between departments is too inefficient to enable the fast growth of a modern business.  You now need a superior…

  • How to Close a Sale: 20 Effective Sales Closing Techniques in 2024

    How to Close a Sale: 20 Effective Sales Closing Techniques in 2024

    Are you frustrated with sales deals that fail even after months of attempting to convince the prospect? You are not alone. Only 19% of sales leads turn into buyers on average, and all the rest is wasted time and money! However, you can change this by applying the right techniques to successfully complete or “close”…

  • How To Use BANT In Sales To Qualify Leads in 2024?

    How To Use BANT In Sales To Qualify Leads in 2024?

    Do you know that 67% of sales reps spend time on unqualified leads? If you are one of them, you will be in trouble! In today’s competitive sales world, qualifying prospects before investing your time and energy into them is more important. That’s where BANT in sales comes in. BANT is a simple framework that can…

  • A Comprehensive Guide to Qualifying Prospect in B2B Sales

    A Comprehensive Guide to Qualifying Prospect in B2B Sales

    You would be surprised to know that 67% of lost sales is because of not qualifying prospects initially. This clearly shows why you can’t sideline prospect qualification.  If you are new to the sales world, you may not know how to qualify prospects.    Don’t worry, we have your back. In this easy-to-understand guide, we’ll walk…

  • Sales Reporting: Importance, Types & Steps To Create Reports

    Sales Reporting: Importance, Types & Steps To Create Reports

    Do you know that companies that use data to inform their sales decisions see an astounding 20% increase in return on investment? But for that, there’s the need for reliable sales reporting. If you are new to it, you may not be able to use it to its full potential. But don’t worry. In this…

  • How To Use Mirroring In Sales To Increase Close Rates?

    How To Use Mirroring In Sales To Increase Close Rates?

    Did you know that mirroring enhanced the closing rate of salespeople by 17%! Mirroring is a powerful sales technique that can help you build rapport, establish trust, and close more deals.  It involves subtly mimicking  your prospect’s body language, tone of voice, and word choice and active listening. When you mirror someone, you make them…

  • Top 22 Sales Metrics to Track for Maximum ROI

    Top 22 Sales Metrics to Track for Maximum ROI

    Have you ever wondered how businesses keep track of their success in selling? Enter sales metrics. These metrics, involving factors like the number of sales, the revenue generated, and customer satisfaction, act as your sales report card.  Are you curious to know if your organization is winning the sales game?  You have to use the metrics…

  • 14 Actionable Tips On How To Get Past The Gatekeeper In Sales

    14 Actionable Tips On How To Get Past The Gatekeeper In Sales

    If you ever faced the challenge of getting past the gatekeeper in sales, you’re in the right place. We get it; it can be super frustrating, but fear not! We’ve got your back with 14 super-duper easy tips that will help you breeze through this journey. In this blog post, we’ll spill the beans on…