20 Best LinkedIn InMail Templates To Improve Reply Rate

20 Best LinkedIn InMail Templates To Improve Reply Rate

LinkedIn is a much-loved professional networking site with 900 million members in 200+ countries and territories. Also, it has an InMail feature for premium members which lets you send a message to another LinkedIn member even if you are not connected to the person. You can leverage the power of LinkedIn InMail Templates for sales outreach to people who seem to be promising prospects.

If you are wondering why you should reach out to people using InMail when the regular mail is there, let me tell you the responses to InMails are three times higher than regular email.

To do so, you must create a message copy that is an instant hit with people.

Without wasting any time, let’s dive into the 20 Best LinkedIn Inmail Message Templates to boost sales.

LinkedIn InMail Templates

Wondering how to send InMail on LinkedIn? Here are 20 effective LinkedIn InMail templates for sales that you will find useful,

1) The Basic Template for an Initial Email

This LinkedIn Inmail Template is suitable for getting in touch with people and introducing your product and service.

You can use the following InMail message sample:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

Thank you for connecting!

My company {{company_name}} has come up with {{product}} that can {{USP}}. Are you interested in it? If not, can you please direct me to your colleague who will find {{product}} useful?



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2) Template for requesting a phone call

You can approach people on LinkedIn and request them to spare some time for a phone conversation. This way, you can discuss your product/service details and even attend to the prospect’s doubts.

Hi {{prospect_name}},

Thank you for connecting!

It is a pleasure to have come across your profile. I am representing {{Company_name}} and our firm has come up with a new launch {{product}}.

 It will be great if we can speak over the phone if you are interested in our {{product}}. Can you spare some time for a brief phone conversation this week?

Looking forward to getting in touch with you,



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3) LinkedIn Inmail Templates requesting for a meeting

You can request the prospect for a meeting to explain the features of your service or product in person.

Here’s a LinkedIn InMail sample for the same:

Hi {{prospect_name}} ,

Thank you for connecting!

I am representing {{company_name}} and our new launch {{product}} and am glad to reach out to you.

In case you are interested in our company, can we meet over a cup of coffee?

Do let me know if you are free any time this week. I am looking forward to meeting you in person.



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4) LinkedIn InMailTemplates for relationship building

Connecting with people and building relationships is always profitable. You might see an upsurge in sales in the long run.

Also, it is not advisable to get into selling right from the first InMail. Get to know the prospect and understand how your product or service will be of use.

Here’s how you can draft  one of the best LinkedIn InMail templates for sales:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

Thank you for connecting!

I want to build a healthy professional relationship with you, and in case our team at {{Company_name}} can be of help to your business, please let me know.

Kindly visit our website {{link}} to know more about our company.

It would be a pleasure to connect with you sometime soon.



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5) Template for inviting the prospect to an event

When you are into marketing, events play a huge role in helping you interact with prospects.

In case your company is coming up with an event, you can connect with leads on LinkedIn and invite them to the event.

Here’s how you can draft your InMail message:

Hello {{prospect_name}},

As we have some mutual connections, I thought it would be a good idea to connect with you. Our company is organizing an event at {{location}} on {{date}}, and I felt that you would find it useful.

It would be great if you or your team can make it. Kindly check out the details of the event here – {{link}}.



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6) LinkedIn InMail Templates for offering a free trial

As a salesperson, you must have given a lot of free trials to people. It is a great sales tactic to convert a prospect into a paying customer. You can try the same with new connections on LinkedIn.

This is one of the ways to nurture your warm leads.

Here’s a LinkedIn InMail message template:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

Thank you for connecting!

I am representing {{company_name}}. We have a new launch {{product}}. If you feel that it aligns with your business needs, I would be happy to offer you a trial free of cost. Please visit our website at {{link}}.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.



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7) Template for getting new prospects via mutual connections

There is nothing like having mutual connections with a prospect. It creates a personal touch. He or she will find you trustworthy and is more likely to buy your product or service.

Here’s what your InMail message should look like:

Hi {{prospect_name}} ,

Glad to meet you!

I found that we both are connected with {{mutual_connection}} and the two of you share the same {{industry}}, so I wanted to reach out to you. I hope you know {{mutual_connection}} well. My company has a new {{product}}. It will be useful for you and your team as it {{product_advantage}}.

In case you are free, can we have a quick call this week?

I will be able to explain the features and working of {{product}} better.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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8)LinkedIn Inmail Templates to compare competitor product/service

If you have a competitor for your product or service, you can InMail prospects compare the rival product or service with yours.

Explain the salient features of your launch. Also, tell them how it is better than that of your competitor.

If the prospect finds it better than what he or she is currently using, the chances of closing the deal are high.

Here’s one of the LinkedIn InMail templates for sales to achieve the same:

Hello {{prospect_name}},

I came to know that you are using {{competitor’s_product}} for {{purpose}}. So, I wanted to connect with you to introduce our new launch {{product_name}}. It is quite similar to {{competitor’s_product}} but is way better in functionality.

Without taking much of your time, here is a summary of its features:


Does it seem interesting?

Our company is offering a free trial for esteemed individuals like you to experience the effects for yourself.

Please let me know if the free trial interests you.



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9) Template for winning clients by admiring their work

Admiring the work of prospects is a great conversation starter. The person may feel important and is more likely to listen to what you are saying.

It is less pushy and is easy-going. Here’s a LinkedIn InMail template you can use,

Hello {{prospect_name}},

I am {{Your_name}}, {{designation}} from {{Company_name}}. I recently read your article about {{topic}} and wanted to connect with you.

Just came to know that you have worked on {{pecialization}} and I have just the thing for you that you will need soon.

Can we discuss this over a brief phone call on {{day}} at {{time}}?

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.



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10) Template for mentioning product benefits

If you want to convince a lead about your product or service, you should be focusing on how it can make their life easier.

You can mention a task that most people hate doing and tell how your product or service can come to their rescue.

Here’s an InMail message template to help you out:

Hello {{prospect_name}},

Are you bored of {{task}}?

It is both time-consuming and monotonous.

Ideally, you can spend that time on other activities that help you earn more.

My company has a {{product}} that will help you carry out {{task}} for you.

Do get in touch with me for a free trial.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.



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11) Template to build partnerships by giving them something in return

If you connect with people to get you referrals, you should also offer them something in return. The best way to do so is by providing referrals to them. 

Here is how you should draft your InMail:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I came to know that you are also in {{industry}} like me. I get in touch with top-notch people in {{industry}} each week to discuss {{topic}}. Can we help each other with referrals? Are you interested in this two-way street? 

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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12) Template to show a case study 

As a sales rep, you might know that humans love listening to stories as long as they are engaging. Learn more about sales engagement tips. A lot of individuals make purchasing decisions based on peer recommendations and case studies. That makes customer tales a valuable tactic to make sales.

You can use one of the best LinkedIn InMail Templates for Sales:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I came across your blog post, which talks about your new initiative. I wish to congratulate you on the same. 

Do you want to know about others in your industry who have been successful with similar projects? I know four companies that have generated x% higher profits by using {{product}} for their project. 

If you wish to know about them, I would be happy to forward the case studies. 



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13) Template to build new partnerships

Most people don’t leverage the power of LinkedIn in building partnerships. Don’t make that mistake and build a solid network of partners. 

Here’s how you can write the best InMail messages to approach people gently for a partnership:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I saw that you are working in {{industry}}. I have a deep interest in {{industry}} and how it affects {{topic}}. It will be a win-win situation for both of us if we connect. Are you willing to do so? 

Warm regards,


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14) Template to show prospects what you have in common

Personalizing is the key to draw prospects towards you. When you make people feel that you are interested in them, it leaves a good image of you. The best way to do so is to find a common ground of interest and initiate a conversation. 

Here’s one of the most common LinkedIn InMail templates,

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I chanced upon your profile and was pretty impressed to know that you are a {{role}} in the {{industry}}. It would be wonderful to connect with you. I was in the same sector earlier and shared content related to it. 

Hope to hear back from you!


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Here the common link between you and the prospect is the industry. Having someone from the same industry would make the prospect want to follow you. It works most of the time. 

You can find domains that are doing round-up posts and get in touch with them via LinkedIn. If your approach is good enough, it will work out.

Here’s how you can draft your LinkedIn InMail message:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I came across your blog on Google, and I really like your space. The latest round-up on {{topic}} seems to be quite impressive. After reading it, I felt that I should contact you and ask you whether I can appear in your next blog. I write about {{topic}} regularly, and I run a blog of my own called {{blog}}. 

If you feel that something suits you, please include it. 



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16) Template for offering something of value

When you offer freebies to prospects in the inmail, you are more likely to get a response. After all, the first thing that comes to mind is, “What is in it for me?”.

If there is something of value like an ebook, an offer, or a free trial, you can expect the prospect to pay heed to it.

Here’s how you can draft one of the best LinkedIn sales messages:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I came across your website, and I must say it is stunning. I carried out a performance test and noticed {{problem}}. 

Are you interested in seeing the results and comparing the performance of your website with others? 

Looking forward to hearing from you.



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17) Template to reach out to a prospect in the same group

You can reach out to people on LinkedIn even when you don’t have a mutual connection. Even being in the same LinkedIn group can work. 

Here’s how you can draft your inmail message:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I am {{your_name}}, and I work for {{company}}. I just found out that we both are in the same group {{LinkedIn_group}}, and you have shared pretty impressive comments in the group. Want to learn more about {{topic}}. 

In case you are open to it, I would love to discuss the topic. How about a quick phone call someday this week?



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18) Template for a connection request (being in the same industry)

Here’s one of the best LinkedIn InMail templates when you want to reach out to those with whom you have something in common,

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I just saw that we both are in the {{industry}} space and thought it would be great to connect with you.

I post content built around {{topic}} regularly. 

Hope you would connect with me.



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19) Template for a straight forward outreach

Though most often it is not right to try making a sale in the initial message, you must get to the point right away at times. 

Here’s how you can draft your InMail message:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I am {{your_name}} working with {{company_name}}. They have come up with {{product}} that {{description}} that I feel would be of immense use to your company. 

Are you interested in talking about this further? How about a quick demo this week?

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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20) Template for requesting to share knowledge

You can request the industry leaders to share their knowledge and expertise with you. It can be a great way to connect.

Here is a linkedin inmail example:

Hi {{prospect_name}},

I just came to know that you are a leader in {{industry}} and wanted to connect with you.

I always have the urge to connect with the industry’s forerunners to grow in every aspect. Therefore, I seek your guidance. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.



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How To Send A LinkedIn InMail?

Here’s a step by step guide to sending a LinkedIn InMail,

1. Find the individual you want to message

You can use the search tool present in the page’s top left-hand corner of your LinkedIn page to find the person you want to reach out to. 

2. Visit their profile

After finding the person, click on their username and go to their profile page.

3. Click the ‘message’ button

You will find a ‘message’ button under the profile picture of the prospect. If you are not having the Premium, Recruiter, or Sales Navigator plan, you have to upgrade to one to use this feature. 

4. Write the message

Craft a compelling message that catches the prospect’s eye and mentions the purpose of reaching out. 

5. Personalize the message

Make sure that you personalize the message and show the prospect that you have done your research and are interested in building a relationship. Also, ensure that you have the facts right or may get too awkward.  

6. Use URL shortener

URL shortening tool makes the reading experience much easier for your target audience and much more effective for your LinkedIn outreach campaigns. One of the most common use cases for URL shorteners is to collect data across your marketing channels. URL shorteners provide tracking real-time statistics, allowing marketers to show who has clicked your short links, from where, and from which device. 

Mistakes To Avoid While Sending LinkedIn Messages

Salespeople usually go wrong when writing InMails. Try to bear a few LinkedIn InMail best practices in mind when sending LinkedIn InMails, and you can win the game. 

Let’s take a look at the common mistakes that most salespeople commit,

1. Writing long messages

Just like you, the person you are reaching out to is also busy. They may be getting many InMails in a day and if you want to get noticed, keep your message as short as you can because no one has the time to read lengthy InMails.

2. Being focused on yourself

Your InMail has to focus on the prospect and not on you. It has to be about the pain points the prospects face and how you can help solve them. Try to craft the message in a way that it gets opened and read. Be customer-centric if you want people to reply to your email. 

3. Sending generic InMails

We all choose shortcuts for outreach, but that won’t help you. Prospects would prefer reading InMails that are tailored for them. Anything sounding too generic will end up getting ignored. So, if you want a response, personalize your InMail.

4. Using a formal tone

While it is good to leave a positive impression on prospects, you needn’t sound too formal to do so. Using a conversational tone can be better at making a connection with prospects. Keep your InMail friendly without using heavy language. 

Start Using Our Winning LinkedIn Sales Message Templates!

By now you would agree that communication matters!

With the right kind of message, you can hit the bullseye and win over the prospect. As a salesperson, you would want to close the deal and build a long-term relationship with a client (and ask for referrals). This feeling has to reflect in your message copy as well. Therefore, try using some of our LinkedIn InMail Templates for Sales and see how the situation turns in your favor.

You can thank us later!


1. What is LinkedIn Inmail?

LinkedIn has an InMail feature for premium members, which lets you send a message to another LinkedIn member even if you didn’t connect with the person. You can leverage the power of LinkedIn InMail Templates

2. How to send an LinkedIn Inmail?

Find the individual you want to message, visit their profile and click on the ‘message’ button. Now, write a personalized message and send it. If you are sharing a link make sure to use a URL shortener.

3. Why long messages are not preferred for LinkedIn Inmail?

Just like you, the person you are reaching out to is also busy. They may be getting many InMails in a day and if you want to get noticed, keep your message short. No one has the time to read lengthy InMails.


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