59 Handy Sales Email Templates To Close Maximum Deals

58 Handy Sales Email Templates To Close Maximum Deals

Did you know that 58% of adults check their email first thing in the morning? This is why email has often been the top channel used to reach out to prospects for sales. However, in recent years there has been a rise in instant messaging. So, does that mean it will impact email as an outreach channel? Well, actually, no. Currently, there are 4.26 billion email accounts worldwide (2022). The number is only going to increase to 4.6 billion by 2025. (source: Statista, Radicati).

So, the figures indicate that email is here to stay. Don’t you think you have to brace yourself to impress your prospects with email outreach? 

To help you out, we have compiled a list of sales email templates you can use to reach out to prospects effectively. To make it look more organized, we have placed the templates in different categories. 

How To Write Sales Emails?

When you choose to send cold emails directly, there are a few strategies that work in your favor. 

Here’s what you should bear in mind,

  • Ensure relevance. You have to see whether the cold email is relevant to the prospect. It is possible to conduct mini research by visiting their profiles on social media and checking if they require your solution.
  • Keep the email subject lines as short as you can.
  • Personalize the body of the email.
  • Use a CTA at the message to help the prospect know what action to take.

Now let’s move on to the most awaited section of this post – some of the best sales email templates!

Different Sales Email Templates 

Here are the different sales email templates to help you out,

Introduction with a mention of what you offer

Try to begin the email by mentioning who you are and what your company does to set the tone for the rest of the email.

Here are a few of such sales email templates,


Hi { prospect’s name},

I am (your name} with {name of your company}. 

Our company helps B2B businesses with {pitch}. 

I wish to know how {prospect’s company} handles {process} so that I can show you how it can be made easy with our solution. 

Can I know what your calendar looks like so that we can get on a quick call?


{Your name}

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Hi {name of the prospect},

My name is {Your name}, and I am the CEO of {your company}. We have been working on helping B2B businesses increase their revenue. 

I wanted to know what you are doing to optimize your revenue so that I can present our solution in comparison to your existing one.  

Will you be interested in a quick call this week?


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s name},

This is {Your name} from {Your company}.

Businesses can make more sales with the help fo the right marketing approach. {Your company} can provide sales tools to your team and help you achieve your goals.

If you want to know more about it, I would be glad to explain how it works. Are you available to connect on a call this week?


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s name},

I am {your name} working for {company name} that provides solutions X and Y. As you are working as a sales head at {prospect’s company}, I felt that our solution will be suitable for your team. 

Our solution has been able to get a lot of positive reviews so far, and I think investing in it will add value to the working of your organization. 

If you are not the decision maker, can you please direct me to the right person?


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s name},

I have come up with an idea that I can discuss in 10 minutes which will get your company 60% more revenue. 

I have used this for {name of the competitor}, and they have witnessed great results in a short time span. 

Can we get on a quick call this Thursday so that I can explain it better? 


{Your name}

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Introducing your solution by congratulating the prospect  

It feels good when someone congratulates you on an achievement, doesn’t it? You can, therefore, use the tactic in your email to break the ice and start a conversation with the prospect. This would require some research from your end but trust me, it will be worth it. 

Take a look at a few of such sales email templates,


Hi {First Name},

I came across your profile and found that you got a promotion. Hearty congratulations for your new post at {name of the prospect’s company}. 

As you are now in a senior post, do you think the company can get a higher profit with { your idea}. If you feel so, our solution can be just the thing for you. 

If you are interested in taking this ahead, can we get on a quick call this week? You can pick a date and time from my calendar link – <link>


{Your name}

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Being curious about the prospect’s product or service

Curiosity may kill the cat, but it will help you inch closer to closing a sale in case of cold email outreach. If you express your interest in knowing about the prospect’s product or service, they would like to connect with you, thereby building a relationship. 


Hi {First Name},

I came across your profile online and found your product to be truly amazing. The features look so interesting that I could not stop myself from reaching out to you.

How would it be if our company {name of your company} can help you make those features even better?  We have a case study for you on how we can assist you. 

It would be great if we could discuss this over the phone. Can we connect on a quick call this week? If yes, schedule the call by clicking my calendar link here. 


{Your name}

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Reaching out based on a trigger event

Emailing the prospect based on a trigger event is a good idea.  It gives you a valid reason to reach out, and the chances of getting a response are higher. Here are a few cold sales email templates that can be helpful. 


Hi {First Name},

I follow business news regularly and I came across the big news of {achievement of the prospect’s company}. It is indeed laudable.

Most often, when a company reaches such a milestone, the biggest concern is {business value you offer}. We have helped so many of your competitors with the same and made them achieve a lot more. 

Are you interested in discussing this over a quick call this week? If yes, schedule the call by clicking my calendar link here. 


{Your name}

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Hi {First Name},

After reading about the milestone your company has achieved, I came across an article that you may find useful at this stage. Here is the link {link}. 

I am sure you are trying to improve {business value you offer}. I have a few ideas regarding the same. If you are interested, can we book a call this week? 


{Your name}

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Hi {First Name},

I read your recent blog post on {topic} in {name of the publication}. And I must say, you have a very detail-oriented outlook, and the best part of the piece was {the point you found interesting}.

I was wondering whether you would like to read more on this  topic. That’s why I am sending you a link to an article I found to be quite comprehensive. 

It would be wonderful to hear what you have to say. Will it be okay to connect this week on a call? 


{Your name}

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Mentioning a mutual connection in your cold emails

Having a referral can take your sales email a notch higher. Remember that you should mention it in the beginning of the email if you really want the recipient to pay attention to you. It would be even better to mention the mutual contact’s name in the subject line. When the prospect sees a familiar name, their trust levels increase, and you get a step closer to your goal. Always make sure to mention why you are reaching out to the prospect so that they feel more comfortable. 

Here are a few cold email templates,


Hi {Prospect’s name},

I had a chat with {first contact} who asked me to reach out to you. 

He told me that your company is suffering due to {pain point 1}, {pain point 2} and {pain point 3}.

Our solution {name of the solution } is quite a hit with our other clients, and even {first contact} feels that it would help your company reach new heights. He also said that you are the right person who can decide on this matter.

Will you be available for a quick 5-minute call anytime next week? I am sharing my calendar link so that you can pick a date and time at your convenience. 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s name},

{mutual connection} suggested that I reach out to you. We met at an event. He told me about the issues your company is facing at present.  I am working with { name of your company} that {sales one liner}. We can help you in improving {pain point}. 

Our solution has won several awards and accolades in these years and had so many clients from your industry. 

If you wish to know more about {name of your solution}, we can get on a quick call. Do let me know when we can schedule the call. 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s name},

I am reaching out to you on a referral from {name of the mutual connection}. We met at a seminar, and he thought that it would be great if I connected with you.

Our company {name of your company} works with many firms from your industry like {name of company 1, company 2}, and has been successful in alleviating their pain points with our solution {name of the solution}. 

As you have a similar issue, our solution can be helpful to you. If you are interested, will you be available for a quick call any time this week? 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s name},

{mutual connection} told me that your company is facing a {pain point}. In fact, it is an issue plaguing most b2b companies. I have a few ideas that can be helpful to you and probably solve your problem. {mutual connection} can tell you how we have helped your competitors. 

Are you interested in a quick call to learn more about the solution to this issue? Here’s my calendar link to help you pick a convenient date and time. 


{Your name}

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Comparing yourself to a competitor

Drawing a comparison between your value proposition and that of a competitor can take you a long way in making your point felt. Here are a few cold email templates that work: 


Hi {Prospect’s name},

I came across your profile on LinkedIn and found that your company uses {competitor name} for your accounting needs. 

I am working for {your company’s name} and our solution {solution name} is quite similar to {competitor} the only difference being {difference}.

If you are interested in knowing more about our solution, can we hop on a quick call this week? It would be wonderful to know your opinion. 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s name},

I am aware that your company is using {competitor company’s name} for your CRM needs. There is no doubt about the fact that they are a well-known company, but it would still be great if we could initiate a conversation. 

{your company} has helped in solving {prospect’s pain points}, and you will be able to see instant results by using {your solution}, which can help in increasing your revenue just like how it worked out for {happy customers}. 

There are a lot of differences between our solution and {competitor company’s name}, and I would love to point out those to you. 

Will you be interested in a quick call this week? I am sharing my calendar link here for you to pick a time and date as per your convenience. 


{Your name}

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Sending emails to help the prospect and provide value

Offering help to the prospect is a great way to get their attention. You can provide them with an idea or a valuable resource in return for a response. It is a great way to get your foot in the door. Here are 2 cold email templates,


Hi {Prospect’s name},

Are you facing an issue with { pain point}. It has happened to me too.

I can help you resolve the issue quickly. There are a couple of ideas at hand that I want to share with you. 

If you are interested in hearing them, just let me know.


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s name},

The design of your website is quite captivating, and I feel that the visuals make you stand out. I have referred you to my contacts who could find your services of help. 

While scrolling down the website pages, I came across a mistake {explain it}. It is quite easy to fix it. If you want my help, I can talk to your web development team.


{Your name}

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Sending emails to follow up

You can’t be on cloud nine after sending your initial email and getting a response. And have to stay in touch with the prospect to be successful in closing the deal as most often, prospects don’t say yes immediately. You must follow up consistently to change the ‘No’ to a ‘Yes’.

Also, don’t leave a wide gap between two follow-up emails, or else the prospect would lose the memory of you. At the same time, don’t be so aggressive that the prospect distances himself from you for good. Striking a balance is important. 

Let’s look at a few of such sales email templates,


Hi {Prospect’s name},

I hope that you are doing well.

I had reached out to you a few days back regarding {name of your solution}. Most of our existing customers are from the SaaS industry and have successfully solved their pain points using {name of your solution}. 

Find the top 5 reasons to go in for our solution,

Reason 1st





If you feel we can help you, reply to this email, and I will get in touch with you.


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s name},

I am just following up on the last email I sent you. It is a possibility that you may have missed it in your already full inbox. 

I wish to jump on a quick call with you to find out the issues weighing {prospect’s company} down and how our solution can assist you. 

Are you interested in connecting for a quick call next week? If yes, here is the link to my calendar {link}. 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s name},

I assume that you got the opportunity to read my previous email and visit our company’s website. What do you think about {name of your product}?

I would be delighted to get on a quick call with you to clear any doubts you have about our product. Here’s my calendar link {link}. Can you pick a day that will be suitable for you?


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

This is {your name} again. I emailed you a few weeks back about {your value proposition}

It would be wonderful if we could hop on a quick call to see how {your product} can help overcome the challenges {prospect’s company} is facing. 

Are you available anytime this week?


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I understand that there must be a legit reason for not replying to my email, but I am following up because I know that {your company} can help you solve {pain point} by providing {benefits}. 

Our solution {name of the solution} is quite unique, and by choosing not to make it a part of your business you will be at a loss. 

If you are interested in taking this ahead, you can let me know. 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I really enjoyed talking to you about {pain point and how to resolve it}. 

We at {your company} are looking forward to working with you. Can you let us know what step we should take next?


{Your name}

After a voicemail

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I had called to {mention the purpose}.

Though in the voicemail, I said I would reach out to you again on {date and time}, you are free to reach out to me any time through email. 


{Your name}

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Using humor in your cold emails 

With so many emails hitting the inbox of prospects every day, you must try to think a little out of the box to get the prospect’s attention. Adding some humor to your emails will definitely help brighten up anybody’s day at work. 

Take a look at a few of such sales email templates,


Hi {Prospect’s first name},

My follow-up email frequency reveals that I am eager to interact with you. If I am barking up the wrong tree, will you be kind enough to take it to the right tree? If this is the right tree and you don’t mind me calling you one, can we hop on a quick call this week? 

Best regards,

{Your name}

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Subject: I don’t like sales emails

Hi {Prospect’s first name},

Am I sounding like a hypocrite right now? I am sending you this sales email because you wanted to know more about {product name}.

If you are interested to know about our product, kindly let me know so I can call you instead of sending emails and ruining my image!

You can help save me from this pain by choosing a time and date from my calendar link here. 

Best regards,

{Your name}

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Subject: Are you a fan of puzzles?

Hi {Prospect’s first name},

L_ T U_ CH_T TH_S W__K

If you are good at solving puzzles,you would have figured out by now that it says – ‘Let us chat this week’. 

I understand that you are occupied but I want just one chance to show you how {your product} can alleviate {pain point}.

You can book a meeting with me here {link} so that we can solve more puzzles together. 

Best regards,

{Your name}

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Break-up cold emails

If you are getting nothing but silence from the person on the other side, there seems to be no point in holding onto the rope any longer. You can choose to send break up emails to such prospects as the last chance to get a reply from them. These kinds of emails decide whether or not to close the loop. If the prospect is still interested in you, a break-up email will get you a response. Break-up emails are more like a final goodbye. 

There are different ways of crafting your break-up email such as showing empathy, adding some humor or being straightforward. You can see that in the sales email templates below. 


Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I am reaching you one last time to discuss the benefits of {your product}.

If I don’t hear from you, I will assume that this is not the right time to reach out to you and will not trouble you again . If you are still interested to know about our product and how it helps your company, please schedule a meeting on the calendar {link}. I will be glad to help. 

Best regards,

{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I know that striking a balance between work and life can be too tough at times. I guess you being too occupied is the reason for not hearing back from you. However, if it is not so, it means that you are not interested in our solution. I promise I won’t trouble you again with my emails. 

In case you do change your mind later on, we will be glad to partner with you. 

Best regards,

{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

Our company is sorting out files and closing the ones with no future. As you have not reverted to any of my emails, it clearly shows that you are either too occupied or not interested in our solution. If I am right, shall I close your file

Best regards,

{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I wanted to connect with you one last time about {purpose of connecting}. If I don’t get a reply from you this time, I will not bother you again, assuming that the time is not right. 

If you do need my help later on, feel free to get in touch with me. 

Best regards,

{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I understand that you are occupied. Just let me know if the reason for your silence is a 1,2 or 3

    1. You’ll not be partnering with us this year. 

    2. You are interested, but the timing is not right. You want us to get back in a month’s time. 

   3. You are interested – let’s connect. 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

This is the last time you hear from me, but it would be nice if I could get your valuable feedback to improve our solution. Can I know the reason for not connecting with us?


{Your name}

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Using the AIDA technique for cold emails

You can use the AIDA approach for writing cold emails. It stands for attention-interest-desire-action. It means that you have to grab the recipient’s attention first, explain why they have an interest, kindle desire, and show them how to act. 

Here are the templates,


Hi {Prospect’s first name},

How would you utilize an extra 8 hours every week?

I am asking you because our clients have been able to save a good 8 hours each week by using our software. 

There are so many satisfied customers on our list like {name1, name2}. 

It would be delighted to give you a personalized demo. Are you available next week? Here is a link to my calendar. 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

What if you got a magic ball that helps you find your potential customers?

At { name of your company}, we can help you know about the kind of content your audience likes so that you can engage with them better. 

We have been successful in helping companies such as {client 1}, {client 2} to engage better with their clients. 

Click here (link) to find out how {prospect’s company} can benefit by using our software.


{Your name}

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Using the FOMO technique for cold emails

FOMO stands for fear of missing out. It is quite powerful and you will find it in sales emails. It makes prospects make instant decisions by placing a time-limited offer in front of them. 

Let’s look at two such sales email templates,


Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I came across your profile on LinkedIn and found that your company is using {competitor product}. Can I know how you are finding it? We are releasing our new product and it has more features to offer than the present one.

There is a limited period free trial offer from our side to the first 100 people. It ends on {date}. Click on the link {link} to avail the offer. 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I recently came across your profile, and after my initial research, I found out that your company is facing {challenge}.  We at {Your company} have launched a new product {product name} that can alleviate your pain point.

We are giving free trials to the first 250 people; this offer is time limited. You can sign up by clicking the link here {link}.


{Your name}

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Using “what is in it for them” technique

Most often sales emails talk more about the product or service they offer rather than what is in store for the recipient. If you ask this question to yourself while writing the email, you will automatically think about the prospect. 


Hi {Prospect’s first name},

While working with companies from {industry}, we found that one of the main issues they are facing is {issue}.

Our company helped them with {business value proposition}, and that has helped them {mention benefits}. 

If you face a similar issue, we will be happy to help you. There are a couple of ideas that you may find useful. Can we connect on a call this week? Here’s the link to my calendar {link}. 


{Your name}

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Using Before-After-Bridge (BAB) formula in your cold email

With the BAB formula, you are describing the problem’s prospect and telling them what the world would be like when the problem vanishes. In the end, you must explain how your product or service can help them achieve that. As the BAB formula is based on human psychology, it makes recipients respond. 

Here are two such sales email templates,


Hi {Prospect’s first name},

As a professional, you would know how annoying it can get when your time gets wasted. 

Our tool {name of the tool} successfully helps in saving up to 10 hours a week, and our clients like {client 1, client 2} are satisfied with the performance of our tool. 

I just need 10 minutes to explain what the tool is about and how it can benefit you. Are you available for a personalized demo this week? Here is the link to my calendar {link}? 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I came across your website recently and observed that {explain the issue with the website}, which can affect the whole user experience. 

Our software {name of the software} can help you out in this without too much of effort from your end. 

Do you have the time for a personalized demo of our software? Here is the link to my calendar, you can pick a time and date at your convenience. 


{Your name}

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Using the PAS formula in your cold email

PAS stands for problem – agitate – solve. You have to identify a pain point, agitate it and provide a solution. Suppose you are moving from point A to B, using the PAS formula, you tell about the dangers the prospect will come across and how the product or service you are offering can be helpful. 

Here are a few sales email templates,


Hi {Prospect’s first name},

Are you able to finish all your tasks in time? If you are like most sales executives, who may find it tough to manage time and may be holding you back from being the head of your team. 

We have a software that helps save upto 10 hours a week, and a lot of companies are using it presently to reduce the time they spend on repetitive tasks. 

Are you interested in a personalized demo? Here is the link to my calendar, you can pick a time and date at your convenience. 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I am {your name} working with {name of your company}. I recently came across {issue} on your website.

It is tough to handle this issue without the right tools. It can take a scarier form later on, and I believe that you must be trying your best to get it fixed. 

Our company can help you find a solution for it in no time. We have {product name} that {explain what it does}.

Are you interested in knowing more about the solution? If yes, let’s connect on a quick call. Here is the link to my calendar, you can pick a time and date at your convenience. 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

Buying a prospect contacts list can seem like an easy way to start your sales process, but it is a costly affair. Also, after a while, you will come to know that it is of no use at all.

Our tool, {name of the tool} can help you out as it handles lead generation in a fast yet effective way. 

If you are interested in knowing more about the tool, let’s connect on a quick call this week. Here is the link to my calendar {link}


{Your name}

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Asking for the right person to reach out to in your cold email

There is nothing to be shy about asking for help. You can email the prospect and ask for directions from the decision maker. It will make you look more human. Perhaps the recipient will be interested in your offer and connect you to a higher authority. 

Let’s look at a few of such sales email templates,


Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I am {your name} working with {your company}. Are you the right person to talk about the {issue}? Is your company also facing the same problem? Our company can help you out in this regard.

We have provided our solution to {company 1}, {company 2} and they had a good experience with us. 

If you are the right person, can we get on a quick call this week? If not, can you direct me to the right person?


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

My name is {your name}, and I work with {name of your company}. We have launched a new tool that {explain the solution}.

I want to discuss the working of our tool with you. I saw your profile on LinkedIn and felt that you are the right person to connect with. Can we get on a quick call this week? If you are not handling this, can you direct me to the right person? 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

My name is {your name}, and I work with {name of your company}. Our company has launched a new tool. I want to discuss the same. Can you please direct me to the right person in your company who handles {department}?


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I am sorry to bother you. Can you be kind enough to let me know how to handle sales and how can I reach them?


{Your name}

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After a lead has visited your website

When you come to know that someone has shown interest in your solution and paid a visit to your website, you should not leave the opportunity. Try to reach out to the person and take them further down in the sales funnel.

Here are a few sales email templates that will be useful,


Hi {Prospect’s first name},

You visited {website name} recently and {mention the action}.

If you want to know about {topic} I feel that you should read the following posts,

{resource 1}, {resource 2}

If you want to achieve {specific result}, you can use our solution {name of the solution} that has helped a lot of small businesses. 

Can we connect on a call this week to take this ahead? Here is the link to my calendar. {link}


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

Thank you so much for paying a visit to our website. Are you interested in knowing about a faster way to increase revenue?

I have gathered details about your company, and I feel that I am in a position to provide some advice to you as far as {topic} is concerned. 

Are you available for a quick 5-minute call this week? Here is the link to my calendar. {link}


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I am reaching out to you to introduce myself as {your name} with {name of your company}. I recently saw that you had visited our website. 

This made me research your website to get an idea of how you are currently handling {business area}. Based on my observation, I have a few ideas, and so I thought of connecting with you. 

Our company has a lot of experience of working with companies like yours and have helped many achieve {mention achievement}. 

Are you available for a quick 5-minute call this week? Here is the link to my calendar. {link}


{Your name}

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Here is the template that you can send after you left a voicemail. 


Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I recently saw that you were reading about our solution {name of the solution} so I thought of reaching out to you. As I didn’t want to waste the time of either of us, I tried calling you to understand what you are interested to know about {solution} and how I can help you.

Are you available for a quick 5-minute call this week? Here’s is the link to my calendar – {link}


{Your name}

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After request of a demo 

When the prospect requests for a demo, it means that they are interested in your solution and want to see how it works. You have to send an email that helps in build a relationship with them.


Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I came to know that you requested for a demo of {name of your solution}. Let me tell you that our demo has 2 parts. In the initial one, I will try to understand what you expect from {name of the solution} and what your goals are. Doing so will help me tailor the demo based on your requirements. 

You can pick a date and time for the demo at your convenience from my calendar link here {link}.

Best Regards,

{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

Thanks for requesting a demo on our website. We are quite eager to show you how our solution works. I am {your name}, your resource person at {company name}, and I am excited to give you a demo. 

Will you be available for a call this week? Feel free to pick a date and time for the demo at your convenience from my calendar link here {link}.


{Your name}

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Following up with prospects after a demo

Your email after a demo should include the main takeaways from the demo that took place. In addition to that, you have to mention what the prospect should do next.

Try your best to answer their queries and clear the doubts they had when we were giving the demo. Keep the email gentle as you can’t afford to be aggressive at this stage.  

Here are a few sales email templates,


Hi {Prospect’s first name},

It was wonderful talking to you. I wish to thank you for the opportunity to connect with you. 

Now that the demo is over, let’s take the next step which is giving a free trial to your marketing team to allow them to understand the product better.

As per the goals and needs of your company, I will provide customized tool tips to help the team relate to the features better. 

So, when can we start?

Best Regards,

{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

I wish to thank you for giving me the opportunity to connect with you on {mention the day}. 

As we discussed in the demo, I consulted my team and concluded that it will be a pleasure for us to arrange {prospect’s request} for you. 

Do let me know when we can get started. 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

It was a pleasure talking with you on {mention the day} and getting to know more about you and {name of the prospect’s company} 

As I had promised during the demo, I have collected enough information about {topic}, and they are the following:

{Resource 1}

{Resource 2}

I hope you will find them helpful in {business area}.

If you have any other queries, I will be happy to answer them. You can connect with me whenever you need my assistance. 


{Your name}

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Hi {Prospect’s first name},

It was a pleasure talking to you today. Thank you so much for attending the demo, and I hope it was helpful. 

As requested by you, we will be happy to tailor some of our features for {prospect’s company}

If you have any further queries, feel free to connect with me at {phone number}, and I will be glad to help you.


{Your name}

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Get Ready To Get More Replies With The Best Sales Cold Email Templates!

You are now having 58 sales email templates that work and can make your cold email campaigns a success. Just copy the ones you need and get assured responses from prospects. However, make sure that you send them at the right hour of the day and in alignment with the recipient’s time zone. Taking care of such details can definitely help increase reply rates.

So, Happy Emailing With Our Sales Email Templates! 


1. How do you start a sales email?

Start off your email with a catchy subject line & include a strong opening line in the email body. In most emails, you can begin by introducing yourself, your business & what you are offering.

2. How should a sales email be?

Sales email should include a striking subject line, a personalized opening line and body. Try not to talk about yourself and add a clear CTA at the end to persuade the prospect to take action.

3. How do I write an email to sell my product?

In sales, you can reach out to prospects using cold email, but there will be results only when you personalize your email and keep it relevant to the recipient. The effort you put into research will surely pay off. 






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