Best Sales Training Techniques

22 Best Sales Training Techniques To Build Your Dream Team

Do you need help building a sales team that is 57% more effective than your competitors? Sales training can help you achieve this goal. Many different sales training techniques are available, and the right ones for your team will depend on your specific needs.

But how do you know which one is right for your organization?

We have your back; in this blog post, we will look at the best sales training techniques you can use to build your dream team. We will also provide tips on choosing the proper sales training techniques for your team and how to implement them effectively.

So what are you waiting for? Get ready to learn how to build a dream sales team!

What Is Sales Training?

Sales training is a systematic approach to improving the skills and knowledge of sales professionals. It typically involves a structured program that teaches sales techniques and strategies to help sales reps close more deals and increase revenue.

During sales training, there’s the use of different techniques to enhance the sales process. These techniques can include role-play, case studies, simulations, and interactive workshops. 

Sales training aims to empower sales professionals to meet and exceed their targets. By learning sales skills, sales reps can understand their potential customers, what they need, and how to convert the leads into loyal customers. 

What Are The Benefits Of Sales Training?

A good sales team is vital to increase the growth of a company. Hence companies must invest in effective sales training programs. 

Here are some key benefits of effective sales training techniques:

Benefits Of Sales Training

1. Higher revenue

Sales training is a powerful tool that enables sales reps to convert more deals and increase revenue for your company. By learning new skills and techniques, reps can become more effective at prospecting, qualifying leads, and closing deals. 

Additionally, sales training can help reps build solid client relationships, resulting in further business and referrals. As a result, sales training can be a wise investment for any company that wants to grow its sales and revenue.

2. Improved productivity

Sales training courses can help sales professionals become more productive by teaching them how to convert leads into customers. 

By learning how to prospect effectively, build rapport with prospects, and overcome objections, sales reps can spend less time on unproductive, repetitive tasks, and more time on activities that lead to sales, such as networking and attending trade shows. This may result in increased revenue and improved profitability for the company.

3. Customer satisfaction

Sales training can improve customer satisfaction by teaching sales reps how to understand the needs of their customers better, build trust, and provide excellent service. By learning to listen to customer needs, build rapport, and overcome objections, sales reps can deliver a better customer experience, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Better team communication skills

Sales training can help sales representatives improve their communication skills, leading to several benefits for the team. When salespeople communicate effectively with each other, they can share ideas more quickly, coordinate their efforts, and work together to achieve common goals. This can lead to enhanced morale and a better overall work experience.

Types of Sales Training Methods

There are many different types of sales training methods available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The best method for your team will depend on your specific needs and goals. 

Let’s look at the various sales training methods:

1. On-the-Job Training

On-the-job training (OJT) is a type of sales training idea in which more experienced employees train new employees while working. This type of training is often used for sales positions, as it allows new salespeople to learn the ropes from experienced professionals and get hands-on experience with the sales process. 

It can be a very effective way to train new sales reps, allowing them to learn in a real-world environment and get feedback from experienced colleagues. However, it is essential to ensure that it is well-structured, as it can be challenging to ensure that the trainee receives the proper training.

2. Sales Manuals

Under this method, sales manuals are created and given to the sales reps for guidance. A sales manual is a book composed by experts to focus on what is expected of the sales reps. Sales manuals have detailed information, such as the firm’s history, job description, product specifications, prices, sales policies, selling techniques, etc.

The chief advantage of this method is that the sales manuals serve as ready reference material for the salespeople at work. However, preparing the sales manual involves a lot of expenditure.

3. Programs and Seminars

Programs and seminars are popular methods that provide knowledge and practical skills to sales reps. In programs, there are a bunch of training sessions that cover different selling techniques, strategies, and tips. They teach the best ways to close deals effectively. 

On the other hand, seminars are shorter sessions that focus on specific topics, like how to sell a particular product or talk to customers. Reps can do interactive activities, role-play, and study real-life examples in both programs and seminars. 

Find the Strengths and Weaknesses of your Sales Team

To increase the performance of your sales team, it is important to identify their strengths and weaknesses. You can do this by conducting a performance review, which will help you to identify areas where your team is excelling and areas where they need improvement. Once you have identified your team’s strengths and weaknesses, you can develop training programs to help them improve their skills and knowledge.

Here are some tips for finding the strengths and weaknesses of your sales team:

  • Talk to your team members. Ask your salespeople about their strengths and weaknesses and what they want to learn more about.
  • Review your team’s sales data. This will help you see which sales techniques are working well and which are not.
  • Observe your team members in action. This will give you a first-hand look at their sales skills and how they interact with customers.

Pick the Right Format for Your Sales Training Program 

When it comes to sales training, there are a variety of formats to choose from. The right format for your company will depend on your specific needs and goals.

1. In-person sales training seminars

These are an excellent option for companies that want to provide their sales team with a comprehensive training experience. In-person seminars allow for more interaction between the instructor and the participants and opportunities for networking and collaboration.

2. Online sales training courses

These are a more convenient option for companies with a distributed workforce or a small budget. Virtual sales training can be used anytime and anywhere, often including interactive exercises and assessments.

3. Hybrid sales training programs

They combine the best in-person and online training. This format allows participants to attend live sessions and access online resources and materials.

No matter which format you choose, ensuring your sales training program is relevant to your company’s needs is essential. Investing in the proper training can help your team seal more deals and boost your business.

Top 22 Sales Training Techniques 

Let’s get started with the best sales training techniques:

1. Shift to E-Learning

Top 22 Sales Training Techniques 

The shift to e-learning has revolutionized sales training techniques. With the advent of technology, reps can enhance their skills and knowledge from the comfort of their homes or offices. 

Online sales training offers several advantages. It may include flexibility regarding time and location, access to several resources, interactive modules, and personalized learning experiences. 

It enables your team to remain up-to-date on the latest techniques and strategies through engaging video content, webinars, and virtual simulations. This convenient and effective approach ensures sales professionals have the tools to excel.

2. Make Reps Practice Active Listening

Active listening is a powerful sales technique that can help sales reps build stronger customer relationships. Make sure you make your team practice it well. 

When reps actively listen, they focus on what the customer says without interrupting or thinking about what to say next. This way it seems as though they have a genuine interest in the customer’s needs and concerns.

By actively listening, reps can better understand the customer’s requirements and tailor their pitches accordingly. This helps build trust and rapport, which can lead to increased sales. Active listening also allows reps to gather valuable information that can be used to provide personalized solutions, making the sales process more effective and successful.

3. Focus on Role Playing

Focus on Role Playing

Role-playing is an effective sales training method that enables sales reps to develop their skills and confidence. By recreating various sales situations, representatives can learn how to respond to typical objections, finalize transactions, and establish customer rapport.

Creating realistic situations and providing constructive feedback are essential to get the most out of role-playing. Encourage reps to experiment and try different approaches. Role-playing can actually be a fun way to learn sales skills. Overall, it is a valuable tool to help representatives improve their performance and close more deals.

4. Provide Constructive Feedback

Constructive feedback is essential for sales training. It helps sales reps identify areas for improvement and develop the skills they need to close more deals. When providing constructive feedback, it is vital to be specific, timely, and respectful. 

Here are a few tips for giving constructive feedback in sales training:

  • Be specific. Don’t just say, “You’re doing a good job.” Instead, point out specific things the sales rep did well, such as asking good questions or handling objections smoothly.
  • Be timely. Be sure to provide feedback before the end of the training. Give feedback as soon as possible after the sales rep has made a mistake or done something well.
  • Be respectful. Respecting the sales rep is crucial, even if you’re giving negative feedback. Remember that they’re trying their best and want to improve.

Hence, constructive feedback creates a positive learning environment and motivates salespeople to develop their skills, improving sales performance and customer satisfaction.

5. Ask reps to use empathy and be problem-solvers 

Ask reps to use empathy and be problem-solvers  - sales training technique

Empathy means understanding and sharing the emotions of customers. Ask reps to be empathetic when interacting with customers which involves putting themselves in the customer’s shoes and understanding their needs and concerns.

Being a problem-solver means finding solutions to the customer’s challenges. Instead of just focusing on selling, ask reps to actively listen to the customer’s problems and offer tailored solutions. 

This approach helps to address customer’s needs effectively and provide a personalized experience. By combining empathy and problem-solving, reps can create strong customer relationships and achieve greater sales success.

6. Help reps learn the basics

Effective sales training can help representatives develop the skills they need to succeed. One way to start is by providing comprehensive training on product knowledge, market analysis, and customer profiling. 

This will give reps a solid foundation for their sales strategies. Role-playing exercises can also be helpful, as they allow reps to practice effective communication, objection handling, and negotiation skills. 

Finally, continuous coaching and feedback from experienced mentors can help reps refine their techniques and become more successful sales professionals.

7. Perform field training

Perform field training

Performing field training is an effective sales training technique that can help reps improve their skills and achieve better results. It involves practical on-the-job training, where sales reps engage with customers in real-life scenarios. 

Field training allows salespeople to apply what they’ve learned in training sessions to actual sales situations. They know how to interact with customers, handle objections, and close deals successfully. This hands-on experience helps them gain confidence, learn from their mistakes, and refine their selling techniques. 

8. Mentor sales reps

Mentoring is a sales training technique that pairs experienced sales professionals with less experienced reps. You can provide guidance, support, and knowledge as a mentor to help the less experienced reps improve their skills and achieve better results.

This technique focuses on a one-on-one relationship where you, as a mentor, share your expertise, teach effective strategies, and help the sales reps overcome challenges they may face in the field. 

With a mentor, sales reps gain valuable insights, learn from real-world experiences, and receive personalized feedback. This approach enhances their sales abilities, boosts confidence, and increases sales performance.

9. Create Scripts to simplify and handle common objections 

Create Scripts to simplify and handle common objections

Sales training techniques often include creating scripts to simplify handling common objections. These scripts are pre-planned responses to address common concerns or hesitations that customers may have during a sales interaction. 

By using scripts, salespeople can confidently and effectively address objections without stumbling or getting caught off guard. These scripts are designed to provide concise and persuasive answers using keywords that resonate with customers. They help salespeople stay focused and ensure consistent messaging.

Ultimately, these scripts streamline the sales process, boost confidence, and increase the likelihood of successfully overcoming objections and closing deals.

10. Help Reps In Sales Negotiations

Sales negotiations can be daunting, but several sales training techniques can help reps succeed. These techniques include:

  • Active listening: Reps should actively listen to the customer’s needs and concerns to build rapport and identify areas where they can add value.
  • Value-based selling: Reps need to focus on the value their product or service can provide the customer rather than simply on the price.
  • Objection handling: Reps should be prepared to handle objections from customers in a professional and respectful manner.
  • Closing the deal: Sales representatives should be able to close the deal by asking for the sale and addressing any final concerns.

11. Focus on Identifying Bad Customers

Focus on Identifying Bad Customers - sales training techniques

Identifying the wrong customers helps salespeople avoid wasting time and effort on customers unlikely to purchase their solution. This is the first thing you should teach your team. 

By recognizing certain warning signs or red flags, salespeople can quickly recognize customers who may not be a good fit for their product or service. This allows salespersons to focus on customers more likely to seal the deal.

Here are some common red flags reps should look for in customers:

  • Unrealistic expectations: Customers who have unrealistic expectations about what your product or service can do are likely to be disappointed and maybe a source of complaints.
  • Lack of budget: Customers who don’t have the budget to purchase your product or service are unlikely to become paying customers.
  • Poor communication: Customers who are difficult to communicate with or don’t seem interested in learning more about your product or service are unlikely to be a good fit.

12. Provide the Basics of Cold Emailing & Cold Calling

Sales training techniques such as cold emailing and cold calling are effective ways to reach potential customers. You have to teach your team the basics of both. 

Explain to reps that cold emailing is sending emails to prospects who don’t anticipate hearing from you. The aim is to generate interest in your product or service. When crafting a cold email, it is crucial to personalize the message, grab the recipient’s attention with a catchy subject line, and provide clear and concise information about your offering.

Teach reps that cold calling involves making phone calls to prospects who don’t know about you or your product/service. A cold call aims to introduce your product or service and schedule a meeting or demo. Convey to reps that cold calls should have a plan, a script, and a positive attitude.

13. Show how to provide Value to Prospects

Show how to provide Value to Prospects

To provide value in sales, one must first understand the customer’s needs and pain points. Teach reps that they can tailor the solution to address their demands and add value once they understand their demands. Ask them to communicate clearly and concisely with your clients, avoiding jargon. Additionally, ensure they provide insights and industry knowledge that demonstrate their expertise.

14. Help Handle Fear in Cold Sales

Fear is a common emotion for salespeople, especially when it comes to cold calling. Here’s how you can help handle fear:

  • Understand the fear: The first step is to understand the fear. Let reps ask themselves: What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of rejection? Are you afraid of being judged? Once you understand the fear, you can start to address it.
  • Prepare for rejection: Rejection is a part of sales. It’s important to expect it and to prepare for it. Ask reps to practice their cold calling script and have a plan for handling rejection.
  • Be positive: A positive attitude toward customers can go a long way in sales. Believe in yourself and your product; let that enthusiasm shine through in your calls.

15. How, When, and the Frequency of Following Up

Frequency of Following Up- Sales training techniques

Following up is an essential part of sales. It shows prospects that reps are interested in their challenges and committed to helping them. There are several ways to follow up, including phone calls, emails, and social media. The best way to follow up will differ depending on the situation.

A swift follow-up, ideally within 24 hours of the first interaction, significantly increases the chances of getting a response. Encourage your team to touch base every 2-3 days, but also teach them the art of moving on. If there’s radio silence after several attempts, it might be time for them to redirect their energies elsewhere.

Remember, every prospect is unique. Some might be good to go after just a couple of interactions, while others might need more nurturing. Train your team to strike that perfect balance. 

16. Enhance Virtual Selling Skills 

Virtual selling is a crucial skill for any salesperson in today’s digital age. Here’s what your team needs to know,

  • Using video messages to build relationships with prospects. Video messages are a great way to personalize your outreach and build relationships with prospects. This is because videos show the rep’s face and personality, which can help prospects feel more connected to them and their company.
  • Providing value before asking for the sale. In a virtual setting, providing value to prospects before asking for their business is essential. This is possible by sharing helpful information, answering questions, or providing demos.
  • Using social media to connect with prospects. Social media is a great way to connect with prospects and build relationships. By sharing relevant content, engaging in conversations, and providing value, reps can position themselves as an expert in their field and build trust with potential customers.

17. Focus on Consultative Selling

Consultative Selling- sales training techniques

Consultative selling is a sales training technique focusing on building customer relationships and understanding their needs. Salespeople who use this approach focus on asking questions and listening to the customer rather than simply pitching their product or service. 

By taking the time to understand the customer’s needs, reps can then recommend solutions tailored to those needs. This approach can help them build customer trust and rapport, leading to increased sales. 

18. Focus on Asking for a Close

In sales training, the focus on asking for a close is often overlooked. However, closing a deal is one of the most essential aspects. Salespeople who are not comfortable asking for the close often lose out on potential sales.

There are a few different ways to ask for the close. One way is to ask the customer if they are ready to buy. Another way is to ask the customer what they need to do to buy. Reps can also ask the customer to commit a specific action, such as signing a contract or scheduling a demo.

The most important thing is to teach reps to be confident and to ask for the close. If they don’t ask, they won’t get the sale.

19. Use success stories to inspire

 Use success stories to inspire - sales training techniques

Success stories can be a beneficial sales training technique. They can motivate trainees, provide insights, and help them avoid mistakes. You can inspire trainees to achieve their goals by sharing real-world examples of sales success. 

Additionally, success stories can provide valuable insights into sales strategies and techniques. By learning from the experiences of others, trainees can avoid making common mistakes and improve their chances of success.

20. Give incentives to the team

Incentives are a powerful way to motivate sales teams and improve their performance. Many different incentives, including financial, non-financial, and recognition work well. The best type of incentive will vary depending on the individual team and their goals.

Incentives can help organizations create a culture of healthy competition and drive among team members. This can help build a result-oriented mindset and enhance employee engagement. They can also boost morale and commitment to the sales training program. 

By aligning rewards with desired outcomes, incentives can help continuous learning and skill development. This helps in improved sales performance and overall team success.

21. Conduct 1:1 meetings with reps

Conduct 1:1 meetings with reps

1:1 meetings with reps are a valuable opportunity for sales managers to provide personalized training and support. During these meetings, as a manager, you can discuss the rep’s current pipeline, identify areas for improvement, and provide feedback on their sales process. 

You can also offer advice on closing deals and building customer relationships. By meeting with reps one-on-one, you can help them use their full potential and contribute to the team’s productivity.

22. Integrate your team with other departments

Integrating your sales team with other departments can be a great way to improve enterprise sales training. By exposing sales reps to the work of other departments, they can better understand the company’s products and services and the customers’ needs. 

There are several ways to integrate your sales team with other departments. One option is to create cross-functional teams that work together on sales projects. This will help to create a more open and collaborative environment. Another option is to host regular meetings between sales reps and representatives from other departments. This can provide an opportunity for open communication and feedback.

With this we come to the end of our list of sales training techniques. 

Best Sales Training Programs

Sales training programs provide comprehensive guidance and practical techniques to boost your selling abilities, overcome objections, and close deals confidently. 

Here are some training programs offered by the best sales training companies: 

1. The Brooks Group

The Brooks Group is a sales training company that offers a variety of programs to help salespeople improve their skills. Their programs are based on the IMPACT Selling methodology. This proven sales process has helped thousands of sales reps to close more deals. The Brooks Group’s sales training programs are engaging and interactive, and they have been shown to increase sales, improve customer relationships, and reduce sales cycle time.

2. Janek Performance Group

Janek Performance Group provides a sales training program based on the ATLAS approach. This approach helps the sales team analyze and plan the organization’s current situation. It allows sales reps to tailor and prepare the solutions according to the customers’ needs. Their training program provides opportunities for the sales leader to learn new skills and practice them in workshops and role-playing sessions. Further, Janek assesses and reports the performance improvement of each salesperson. At last, Janek provides many options for training sustainment that convey short-term gains into long-term solutions.

3. RAIN Group

RAIN Group is a sales training company that offers a variety of programs, including Foundations of Consultative Selling, Advanced Consultative Selling, and Virtual Selling. Their consultative sales training methodology uses the idea that sales are a process of helping buyers solve their problems. The RAIN methodology includes four steps: Research, Ask, Inspire, and Negotiate. By following these steps, sales professionals can build trust with buyers, understand their needs, and deliver solutions that meet them.

4. Sales Enablement PRO

Sales Enablement PRO is a top-rated sales training program that equips sales teams with the tools and knowledge for success. Their comprehensive approach covers sales techniques, product knowledge, and customer engagement strategies. Sales Enablement PRO can be delivered through online courses, live webinars, and one-on-one sales coaching. The program helps sales professionals of all levels improve their skills and achieve their goals.

5. Sandler Training

Sandler Training is a sales training program that helps salespeople close more deals by teaching them how to build relationships, understand customer needs, and position themselves as trusted advisors. The program teaches salespeople how to prospect effectively, build client relationships, and negotiate win-win deals. Sandler Training is based on the belief that salespeople should be proactive and take control of the sales process.

Buckle Up To Build Your Sales Team With Our Sales Training Techniques

Your sales team is the driving force behind your company’s success. To keep it running smoothly, you need to provide them with the best possible training. There are many different sales training techniques, but the most effective ones are tailored to your specific team’s needs.

By focusing on the basics, such as product knowledge and effective communication, reps develop a solid foundation for success. Role-playing exercises and continuous coaching enable them to refine their skills and adapt to various sales scenarios. Moreover, emphasizing team communication fosters collaboration, synergy, and increased productivity. 

Using various sales training techniques, you can build a sales team to understand customer needs, deliver persuasive pitches, and close deals.

With our helpful tips, you can confidently build a dream team to help you grow your business.


1. What are the techniques of sales training?

Sales training includes role-playing, product knowledge, soft skills, objection handling, mentoring, SPIN Selling, time management and more. These techniques hone sales skills, enhance communication, and boost overall performance.

2. What is the “Teach-Show-Do” framework in sales training?

The “Teach-Show-Do” framework is a three-step approach for training sales reps. First, the concept is taught to the reps step-by-step. Next, examples are used to illustrate the concept, often using videos, calls, and emails. Finally, the reps are encouraged to execute the concept themselves, often through role-playing.

3. How can sales managers create a supportive team environment?

Sales managers can foster a supportive team environment by using SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) that their colleagues can track. This approach helps in motivating the team and brings out the best results.







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