Category: Cold Email

  • 11 Tips To Prevent Email Bounce & Boost Deliverability

    11 Tips To Prevent Email Bounce & Boost Deliverability

    As a sales professional, you already know how important email is for successful outreach, thanks to 4.26 billion email users worldwide. That’s why it’s vital to take the necessary steps to ensure that your emails reach their intended destinations. Therefore, if you want to improve your email deliverability, you are at the right place as…

  • 32 Effective Email Tracking Software & Tools To Measure Performance

    32 Effective Email Tracking Software & Tools To Measure Performance

    Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing tactics but did you know you can even track your emails? 99.9% of mass emails these days undergo tracking and you must also join the club!  Email enables you to reach prospects effectively. However, making the most of email campaigns is a different matter altogether. Email…

  • How To Do Email Warm Up? Steps, Factors And Tools To Hit Inboxes

    How To Do Email Warm Up? Steps, Factors And Tools To Hit Inboxes

    Email marketing has a lot of potential as there are 4.3 billion email users worldwide, and you can’t miss out on this opportunity. You need to up your cold email marketing game so that you can leverage the power of email.  However, what do you do when your cold email campaign just started, and the…

  • 30 Best Introduction Email Subject Line Examples To Use

    30 Best Introduction Email Subject Line Examples To Use

    With an ROI of $38 per $1 invested, cold emailing is an effective way of reaching out to prospects. But the recipient will not always read your email which is why you have to craft a striking subject line. You already know that it is the first thing that strikes the eye when a recipient…

  • Top 10 Cold Email Outreach Software for Increased Conversions

    Top 10 Cold Email Outreach Software for Increased Conversions

    Cold emailing is an effective way to acquire hot leads for any business and increase sales. Even if you spend a fortune on other marketing approaches, cold emailing will still be the best for B2B lead generation. However, doing it manually can be a task. Don’t worry! We’ll show you how to automate cold emails…

  • 25 Best Email Verification Tools To Check Email Validity

    25 Best Email Verification Tools To Check Email Validity

    Are you looking for the best email verification tools? You have landed on the right place as we have 25 tools for you along with the main factors you should consider while picking one. But why do you need email verification tools in the first place? You must be aware that your email deliverability should be good…

  • What Is The Right Number Of Cold Email Follow-Ups You Should Send?

    What Is The Right Number Of Cold Email Follow-Ups You Should Send?

    Do your cold email campaigns need help to land responses? Crafting an effective follow-up strategy is essential. The challenge lies in striking the right frequency. Sending too many follow-up emails can make you seem pushy. However, sending too few emails may cause you to lose prospects’ attention. Don’t know what to do? Don’t worry! We’re…

  • How To End A Cold Email (30 Examples Of Best Email Closings + 07 Tips)

    How To End A Cold Email (30 Examples Of Best Email Closings + 07 Tips)

    SalesBlink’s free email signature generator

  • Top 13 Benefits Of Email Verification 

    Top 13 Benefits Of Email Verification 

    Do you know that you can reduce your bounce rate by 90% by verifying your emails? That can go a long way in improving email deliverability and seems to be a valid reason to invest your time and resources in email verification. But that’s not all! There are many other benefits of email verification that…