Category: Sales

  • What Is Sales Automation? – The Ultimate Guide For 2024

    What Is Sales Automation? – The Ultimate Guide For 2024

    Do you know that most tasks in the sales process are repetitive and take away a significant chunk of the sales rep’s time? The truth is that it simply gets too challenging to handle everything manually. That is why you must consider going for sales automation. In fact, companies turning to automation for their sales…

  • SaaS Black Friday Deals For 2024 (100+ SaaS Deals)

    SaaS Black Friday Deals For 2024 (100+ SaaS Deals)

    The 2023 Black Friday sale happened on November 24th, and we posted all the Best SaaS deals around that time. To be added to this list for 2024, please fill out this form. Once your name is added, you will receive an email. The season is upon us again for great SaaS Black Friday Deals just…

  • 28 Best Sales Automation Tools Worth Investing In

    28 Best Sales Automation Tools Worth Investing In

    Every business is aiming at getting its work processes automated these days regardless of its industry. And sales is not an exception. Automation helps save the time of reps to a great extent.So, let’s take a look at what sales automation tools are, their benefits, what to consider while choosing the tools, a list of…

  • How To Identify A Company’s Decision-Makers & Sell To Them?

    How To Identify A Company’s Decision-Makers & Sell To Them?

    Do you know that 34% of B2B buyers say their purchase decisions are driven most by features, while 27% say price and 39% say brand? (LoSasso) But that matters only if you get in touch with the right decision-makers in a company. And it can be one of the most challenging aspects of the sales…

  • 6 Tips To Master Writing Outreach Emails And Get More Replies

    6 Tips To Master Writing Outreach Emails And Get More Replies

    Do you agree that unless an email captures your audience’s attention, it doesn’t fulfill its purpose? Outreach Emails may be excellent to reach prospects with an ROI for $38 dollars for every $1 invested, but only if your strategy is right. You have to pay special attention to the different elements of your email, such…

  • The Ultimate Sales Cycle Guide (7 Stages & Tips)

    The Ultimate Sales Cycle Guide (7 Stages & Tips)

    We just love how fast The Flash moves. Won’t it be great to have The Flash supercharge your revenue as well? Probably in another universe! However, having a formal sales cycle can help you increase your revenue generation rate by 18 percent. Do bear in mind that every organization follows some basic sales cycle stages…

  • Value-Based Selling Examples To Close More Deals

    Value-Based Selling Examples To Close More Deals

    Are you aware that 87% of high-growth companies prefer value-based selling? (study) However, not every sales rep is a pro at it and that can severely impact the bottom line. But don’t worry! We have your back! In this post, we’ll explore how value-based selling can transform your sales approach and help you build lasting…

  • The Ultimate B2B Sales Guide To Help Your Business Flourish

    The Ultimate B2B Sales Guide To Help Your Business Flourish

    Do you know that 69% of prospects think the first call doesn’t meet their business needs? It does sound disappointing. This means you must put in the effort to take your organization’s sales to the next level. You are at the right place if that’s what you want. This B2B sales guide has everything you…

  • Virtual Selling – Best Practices, Tips, Challenges & Tools

    Virtual Selling – Best Practices, Tips, Challenges & Tools

    Are you aware that today 70 to 80 percent B2B prospects prefer remote sales interaction over old-school in-person meetings? This is not surprising, thanks to the pandemic and the unpredictable times we are in.  What does this development mean for sales professionals? It indicates that you have to engage more in virtual selling. Prospects favor…