Category: Sales Tips

  • 15 Best Tips To Create A Winning Sales Culture For Your Team

    15 Best Tips To Create A Winning Sales Culture For Your Team

    When it comes to sales, culture is everything. Creating a winning sales culture can mean the difference between a team that meets its quotas and a team that falls short. For example, you may know that only 60% of reps are able to meet their sales quota. If you really want to increase the quota…

  • 12 Tips To Get Client Referrals, Always!

    12 Tips To Get Client Referrals, Always!

    Do you know that a referred customer is 18% more loyal than the one you acquire otherwise? Isn’t that thought-provoking? If yes, you must seek ways to grow your client referrals. They definitely are a key component of any successful business, but it can be hard to know how to get more of them. If…

  • 25 Best Sales Techniques Every Rep Must Know  To Meet Quotas

    25 Best Sales Techniques Every Rep Must Know To Meet Quotas

    Praising your offering louder than your competitors doesn’t work anymore. Traditional selling methods have faded out due to the customers’ growing awareness, resistance to promotion, and lowered attention span of just 8 seconds! Modern sales techniques are now at the center stage, driven by strategic sales processes that skilled sales representatives apply to understand and…

  • 24 Sure-Fire Strategies To Improve Sales Performance

    24 Sure-Fire Strategies To Improve Sales Performance

    Do you know that sales reps spend only 39% of their time selling? Surprising, right? The remaining 61% of the time goes into searching for prospects and validating the data collected. As a result, there is a negative impact on their productivity. It is quite obvious that this contradicts the aim of businesses which is to…

  • 10 Ultimate Sales Coaching Tips For More Sales & Revenue

    10 Ultimate Sales Coaching Tips For More Sales & Revenue

    Most companies these days are actively incorporating sales coaching in their process. It helps improve the performance of each salesperson of the firm, which leads to more sales and ultimately boosts the company’s revenue.  Companies that have solid sales coaching programs are able to see 28% more win rates. However, most often, sales leads don’t…

  • 20 Ultimate Growth Hacking Strategies For Startups

    20 Ultimate Growth Hacking Strategies For Startups

    Slack grew to an impressive count of 500,000 daily active users in just a year which is quite a feat! This is a splendid example of growth hacking. Growth is a buzzword in the business world, but many entrepreneurs are still unsure what growth hacking strategies are and how they work! Chances are that you also…

  • Top 10 Client Sales Meeting Tips To Seal Deals Effectively

    Top 10 Client Sales Meeting Tips To Seal Deals Effectively

    Getting prospects to book sales meetings with you are not that easy. It takes a lot of effort from your end as a sales professional to schedule a meeting.  Statistics say that 70% of sales reps are not ready to answer the prospect’s questions in sales meetings, and 77% of them don’t understand the prospect’s…

  • 10 Effective Ways To Overcome Sales Objection

    10 Effective Ways To Overcome Sales Objection

    Are you a sales rep who has is not well-versed in overcoming sales objections? It can affect your ability to close deals. Needless to say, objections are like roadblocks on the journey to success, but don’t worry, you can easily learn to overcome sales objection from the prospect. In this blog post, we will discuss…

  • 22 Advanced Sales Tips For Reps to Know About

    22 Advanced Sales Tips For Reps to Know About

    Salespeople have a significant role to play in the growth of any business. Without them winning deals, there would be no point in the existence of an organization. As a sales rep, you must focus on specific tactics, strategies, skills, and sales techniques to close more deals successfully. If you are wondering how to boost sales…

  • 10 Powerful Probing Sales Questions To Qualify Prospects

    10 Powerful Probing Sales Questions To Qualify Prospects

    In sales, it is a must to master the art of asking probing sales questions to prospects as it will help you understand their requirements. The point is that if you don’t understand prospects’ needs, you can’t reach your quota. However, it is shocking that almost 77% of prospects feel reps cannot understand their needs. It seems…