Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Push and Pull Marketing – Top Differences You Need To Know

    Push and Pull Marketing – Top Differences You Need To Know

    Did you know that 71% of customers stated their preferences for pull marketing strategies over push marketing?  You might be wondering what exactly is push and pull marketing? Well, fear not, because we will clear all your confusion. All marketing strategies can be broadly classified into two distinct categories – push and pull.  Both the…

  • Closed Loop Marketing: Benefits, Steps & Tools To Get Started

    Closed Loop Marketing: Benefits, Steps & Tools To Get Started

    Are you struggling to determine the impact of your marketing activities on your sales? Chances are you might be drowning a lot of money on unproductive stuff! In fact, marketers estimate that they are wasting 26% of their budgets on futile activities. In this situation, getting rid of unproductive activities and focusing on the ones…

  • 10 Best Sales Onboarding Tools To Build Your Dream Team

    10 Best Sales Onboarding Tools To Build Your Dream Team

    Every company aims to develop and use its human resource effectively to get an edge over its competition. After all, human resources are critical for almost all business operations! It is worth noting that a highly engaged workforce helps a business earn 21% more profit. So, how do you achieve that? The answer is –…

  • Upselling and Cross-Selling: Difference, Examples and Strategies

    Upselling and Cross-Selling: Difference, Examples and Strategies

    Upselling and Cross-selling B2B sales strategies aim at drawing prospective or new customers towards your product or service to generate further sales. And the effect is significant!  It is not surprising to see that upselling can raise sales by 10-30% on ecommerce sites, while cross-selling raises profits by over 30% on an average. Moreover, reports…

  • Hot Leads: How To Generate & Convert Them Effectively?

    Hot Leads: How To Generate & Convert Them Effectively?

    61% marketers consider generating leads the toughest job on the face of this planet. And, they’re right in a way. Nevertheless, it is also directly proportional to the growth of any business. This means, you can’t ignore it either. So what do you do? The simplest answer to this would be: you prioritize your focus…

  • 24 Sure-Fire Strategies To Improve Sales Performance

    24 Sure-Fire Strategies To Improve Sales Performance

    Do you know that sales reps spend only 39% of their time selling? Surprising, right? The remaining 61% of the time goes into searching for prospects and validating the data collected. As a result, there is a negative impact on their productivity. It is quite obvious that this contradicts the aim of businesses which is to…

  • A/B Testing for Cold Emails to Achieve Higher Response Rates

    A/B Testing for Cold Emails to Achieve Higher Response Rates

    With an ROI of 3800%, cold emailing is hands down the best way to acquire prospects. However, it is your approach that determines the effectiveness of your email campaign, isn’t it? Are you wondering what that approach is? Well, it is A/B testing your cold emails.  Using A/B testing the right way will definitely help…

  • 10 Ultimate Sales Coaching Tips For More Sales & Revenue

    10 Ultimate Sales Coaching Tips For More Sales & Revenue

    Most companies these days are actively incorporating sales coaching in their process. It helps improve the performance of each salesperson of the firm, which leads to more sales and ultimately boosts the company’s revenue.  Companies that have solid sales coaching programs are able to see 28% more win rates. However, most often, sales leads don’t…

  • How To Write LinkedIn Connection Request Messages? (Best Practices + Templates)

    How To Write LinkedIn Connection Request Messages? (Best Practices + Templates)

    When you think of getting more career opportunities or want to grow your business, what is the first name that would pop in your mind? Is it ‘LinkedIn’? Yes, it is an immensely well-known platform among professionals from different verticals with 900 million members as on 2023. That means you can use it for outreach. However, if…

  • The Ultimate Cold Email Checklist To Increase Open Rate

    The Ultimate Cold Email Checklist To Increase Open Rate

    As most of us know painfully well, cold emails can be a source of irritation sometimes. In our day-to-day lives, we have experienced the cold vibes we get from cold emails. To help you, I have got an 18-point cold email checklist that you can refer to before hitting the send button. Writing cold emails that…

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