Category: Sales

  • 15 Best Tips To Create A Winning Sales Culture For Your Team

    15 Best Tips To Create A Winning Sales Culture For Your Team

    When it comes to sales, culture is everything. Creating a winning sales culture can mean the difference between a team that meets its quotas and a team that falls short. For example, you may know that only 60% of reps are able to meet their sales quota. If you really want to increase the quota…

  • 7 Sales Compensation Plan Examples To Motivate Your Team

    7 Sales Compensation Plan Examples To Motivate Your Team

    Are you aware that happy employees are 12% more productive and unhappy ones are 10% less? As a business owner, it’s therefore clear that you have to keep your team motivated and happy. One way to do this is to offer a sales compensation plan to incentivize them to reach their goals. If you need…

  • 12 Tips To Get Client Referrals, Always!

    12 Tips To Get Client Referrals, Always!

    Do you know that a referred customer is 18% more loyal than the one you acquire otherwise? Isn’t that thought-provoking? If yes, you must seek ways to grow your client referrals. They definitely are a key component of any successful business, but it can be hard to know how to get more of them. If…

  • 7 Best Sales Personality Tests To Build Your Dream Team

    7 Best Sales Personality Tests To Build Your Dream Team

    Do you know that onboarding a sales rep costs the company 1.2 to 1.5 times their salary? You would obviously want it to be worth it, right? If you are heading a sales team, you would agree that finding sales reps fit like a glove in your organization is challenging. It is getting out of…

  • 58 Handy Sales Email Templates To Close Maximum Deals

    58 Handy Sales Email Templates To Close Maximum Deals

    Did you know that 58% of adults check their email first thing in the morning? This is why email has often been the top channel used to reach out to prospects for sales. However, in recent years there has been a rise in instant messaging. So, does that mean it will impact email as an…

  • 15 Best Tips To Get High Quality Sales Referrals

    15 Best Tips To Get High Quality Sales Referrals

    Gaining the trust of prospective customers and turning them into buyers is a major challenge in the modern business world, especially if you are a new business & are trying to compete with popular and trusted brands. But there’s a shortcut called “sales referrals” that’ll instantly build trust and put you in the good books…

  • 31 Hilarious Sales Memes to Accelerate Any Sales Rep’s Day

    31 Hilarious Sales Memes to Accelerate Any Sales Rep’s Day

    The power of memes is growing with every passing day. After all, who would say no to humor? At least 60% of the 3 billion people who use social media are looking for humorous content, i.e. memes. Moreover, researchers tracked that almost 10 million people interact with memes daily. And when everybody is having a…

  • 11 Sales Commission Structures And How They Work

    11 Sales Commission Structures And How They Work

    Do you feel your sales representatives are not doing their best for your company? If this is the case, you may need to incentivize them by giving the appropriate sales commission for the sales they close. Sales commissions are a time-tested method to instill a sense of ownership and motivation within the sales representatives by…

  • 15 Best Sales Methodology Approaches That Can Grow Your Business

    15 Best Sales Methodology Approaches That Can Grow Your Business

    Are you tired of a low conversion rate despite putting in your best efforts to impress your audience? It is indeed frustrating when you run amazing ads and get visits or messages, but they fail to convert into buyers. But have you considered that you may be just lacking a proper sales methodology? Many businesses…

  • 25 Best Sales Techniques Every Rep Must Know  To Meet Quotas

    25 Best Sales Techniques Every Rep Must Know To Meet Quotas

    Praising your offering louder than your competitors doesn’t work anymore. Traditional selling methods have faded out due to the customers’ growing awareness, resistance to promotion, and lowered attention span of just 8 seconds! Modern sales techniques are now at the center stage, driven by strategic sales processes that skilled sales representatives apply to understand and…